Chapter 25: All magicians are crap

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Criss Angel is a douche bag 1

Alexis lay beside Dean, almost asleep. She felt the mattress shift, dipping slightly as he turned to face her. "Sweetheart, you awake?" He asks softly.

"Mm-hmm." Alexis hums, titling her head upwards slightly as Dean rests his forehead against hers. She felt his breath fanning her face as his mouth was only centimeters from hers.

Dean tucks a piece of stray hair behind her ear, his hand lingering at her jaw. Alexis slid her hand across the bed and to his side, her fingers curling around his shirt. Then she heard him whisper two words she never thought she would hear. Much less, rolling off of Dean Winchesters tongue. "Marry me."

His soft whisper made her eyes shoot open. "W-what?"

"Marry me, Alexis Hart." Dean repeated. "I want you to be mine forever. I'm yours. I have been from the moment we met, whether I knew it or not. You're all I've ever wanted. You've never left my side. Even when I was wrong and stupid. When I made bad decisions. You stuck with me."

Alexis blinks, her hand falling from Deans side as he sat up. She pushes herself up as well. He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small red box. The one she'd found before. He swallows, worry filling his green eyes because of her silence. He opened the box, holding it out to her.

Alexis' eyes flicker down to the light blue diamond sitting on a silver band.

"Look, this doesn't have to be anything you don't want it to be. If you say yes, we can do this however you want. We could have the biggest wedding of the year or it doesn't have to leave this room. Just you and me." Dean tells her. "If you'll let me, I want to spend the rest of my life trying to give you everything you deserve and more."

"I'm far from perfect, but I wanna be better for you. I want to give you the world." Dean took her hand in his. Alexis noticed how his hand shook as hers was enveloped in his. "I want you to be my wife, Alexis. I never thought I'd meet a woman who I'd want to marry. It never really was my thing, but its different with you. I love you. So if you'll have me, I want you to marry me."

Alexis' eyes flicker between the ring and his. "Yes." She says softly. "I'll marry you."

Dean laughs, relief visually flooding his body. "You will?"

"Yeah, Dean, I will." Alexis smiles at him. Dean slipped the ring onto her finger before pulling her into his arms.

"For a second there I was scared you'd say no." He breathes out as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"Just a little shocked, that's all." Alexis pulls back slightly, her hands sliding from his shoulders up to his jaw. "I love you."

"I love you too." Dean leans in, pressing his lips to hers. Alexis slips her arms around his neck as she leans back, pulling Dean with her.

Her heartbeat picked up as his hands brushed over her bare thighs, sliding up to her hips and the shirt she was wearing riding up. Alexis let her hands slip down his arms, and to the hem of his shirt. She slides her hands under the fabric, her fingers roaming over his skin as he trails his lips across her jaw and down her neck.

Alexis ran her finger over the scar on his side. Dean slid his hand up and over her side as she arches her back, a soft moan falling past her lips. He ran his hand up her back. Warmth spreads through her body at his touch.


Sam, Dean, and Alexis walk down the street toward A man talking to a crowd of people.

"This is a demonstration about demons and angels, love and lust." He says.

"What a douche bag." Dean comments.

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