Chapter 21: Some people just really unearth the bloodlust in me

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Heaven and hell 2

Night had fallen by now. It was dark, clouds moving over the stars and moon, only allowing strips of light to show.

"We still got the hex bags. I say we head back to the panic room." Dean suggests, pacing the floor of the cabin.

"What, forever?" Ruby asks.

"I'm just thinking out loud."

"Oh, you call that thinking?"

"Hey--" Alexis began, stepping toward Ruby.

"Hey, hey, stop it." Sam calls out as he walks in.

"Anna's grace is gone, you understand? She can't angel up and protect us. We can't fight heaven and hell." Ruby looks between the hunters. "One side, maybe, but not both. Not at once."

"Guy, the angels are talking again." Anna spoke up.

"What are they saying?" Sam asks.

"Its weird. Like a recording. A loop. It says: 'Dean Winchester gives Anna by midnight, or...'"

"Or what?" Dean presses.

"'Or we hurl him back to damnation.'"

Alexis scoffs. "Oh, fuck no. I'm not letting that happen. Screw them. I'll kill every single angel there is." She pauses, feeling the familiar pressure in her chest. The bloodlust she had to push away. She wanted to say that she would start with Anna and save herself the trouble of killing all angels, but bit her tongue.

"Anna, do you know of any weapon that works on an angel?" Sam asks.

"To what? To kill them?" Anna asks.

"No shit. How do we kill 'em?" Alexis began pacing, nerves growing in her stomach.

"Nothing we could get to. Not right now."

"Okay, wait, wait. I say we call Bobby, we get him back from Hedonism--" Dean starts.

"Dean, what's he gonna tell us?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. But we gotta think of something."

Alexis stops, turning to face the Winchesters. "Then we give 'em what they want." She pauses. "We give them Anna. That, or we ditch her. Let her fend for herself. Ditch Ruby too. She got us into this mess."


Of course, no one agreed to Alexis' idea, but maybe it was for the best. Oh, who was she kidding, if she got the chance she would hand Anna over right then and there. She wanders outside and toward the impala.

She tilts her head back a little, gazing at the sky before returning to looking straight ahead.

She caught sight of Anna, who was talking to Dean. Well, now that I brought up sacrifice this was gonna be awkward, she thought. She clears he throat. "Hey, Anna, you mind giving us a minute?" Alexis asks, gesturing between her and Dean. "Oh, and, uh, sorry about earlier. I wasn't thinking straight."

Anna nods. "Its alright." She heads back for the barn.

"You're not sorry." Dean states once Anna was out of earshot. "And the not thinking excuse was lie."

Alexis sighs. "You know me too well." She leans against the car beside him. "I thought it'd be the nice thing to apologize."

Dean chuckles. "Yeah, it'll still be really weird."

Alexis laughs. "Yeah, well, that's what happens when you suggest sacrificing someone when they're in the room." She pauses. "But I'm wasn't looking for you so we could talk about how I'm a liar."

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