Chapter 10: You're an idiot

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Monster Movie 1

"Radio around here sucks." Dean comments as he turns it off.

"Tell me about it." Alexis mutters as the pass the 'Welcome to Pennsylvania' sign.

"Come on, man. Jobs don't get much sweeter than this." Dean glances at Sam, who was still going over the case. "You know? Dead vic with a gnawed on neck, body drained of blood. And a witness who swears up and down that it was a vampire."

"No, I agree. Its a hell of a case." Sam nods.

"You sound super convinced." Alexis says as thunder rumbles.

"A little more gusto, please." Dean looks over at Sam..

"Its just...the world is coming to an end. Things are a little complicated." Sam argues.

"Well, we can't save the world. Not today, anyway. But what we can do is chop off some vamps' head. Come on, man." Dean reasons. Sam groans. "Its like the good old days. Honest to goodness monster hunt. Its about time the Winchesters got back to tackling a straightforward, black and white case."

"How dare you not include me. I feel abandoned right now." Alexis places a hand over her heart for dramatic effect.

Thunder rumbles and lightning strikes.

"Well, you're here, aren't you?" Dean asks, a playful tone to his voice. "I could've left you back at the motel."

Alexis gasps. "You wouldn't dare."


Turns out it was Oktoberfest and everyone was dressed like crazy people, in Alexis' very humble opinion. And anyone who wasn't dressed weird was a tourist.

"We still gotta see the new Raiders movie." Dean glances over at Sam and Alexis.

"Saw it." Sam states.

"Without me?"

"You were in hell."

"Its no excuse."

"Don't worry. I didn't see it. You and me can go. We'll make a night out of it." Alexis gives Dean a smile, taking his hand in hers.

"Sounds like a plan, Sweetheart." Dean tugged her toward him, and placed a kiss to her lips. Suddenly he pulled away and something caught his eye. "Big pretzel." He darted off.

Alexis scoffs, following behind him. After buying three pretzels, Dean handed one to Alexis then one to Sam.

"Guten Tag." A blonde woman nods to them as she passes.

"Guten Tag yourself." Dean mutters. Alexis elbows him in the ribs.

"Looks like that's our man." Sam gestures to the Sheriff. The three hunters make their way toward him. "Sheriff Deitrich?"

"Are you the three from the fed?"

"Agents Angus, Young, and Stanley." Sam replies as they each pull out their badges. "We called ahead about the problem."

"Right. I tell you what. Why don't we talk this out away from the crowd?"


Sheriff Deitrich pulls the sheet away from the dead woman's face. "Marrisa Wright, 26. Just up from Larkin for the fest. Terrible. Just terrible. I mean, it's the last thing this town needs in peak tourist season."

"Definitely the last thing Marrisa Wright needed." Sam says.

Dean reaches out, turning the woman's head. On her neck was two holes, a bite mark. "What the hell?"

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