Chapter 13: You're being ridiculous

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Yellow Fever 2

Alexis sat beside Dean as the two sat at the table in their new first floor motel room. Dean was staring at the clock for a few seconds before looking back down at his book.

When Dean started coughing Alexis looked up. He stared down at the book, confusion all over his face. "What is it, Dean?" She asks. He wipes his eyes, blinking. "Dean?"

His breathing was heavy as he looked back up at the clicking clock. He stood.


Alexis was sitting on the couch with Deans head in her lap now as Sam walked back in. He stops in the doorway once noticing the broken clock laying on the floor. June sat on Alexis' other side, her head resting on Alexis' arm.

"Everything alright?" Sam asks.

"Oh, yeah." Dean sat his beer bottle down. "Just peachy."

Alexis ran her fingers through his hair as she looked at Sam. "Find anything?"

"Yeah." Sam moves to sit in the chair across from them. "Jessie O'Brian's body was cremated."

"Stop that." Alexis hisses at Dean as he scratched his arm.

"So I'm pretty sure she is not our ghost." Sam continues, propping his feet up on the coffee table. "She's right. Quit picking at that. How you feeling?"

"I think the broken clock on the floor speaks for itself." Alexis sighs.

"Awesome." Dean replies, sitting up and putting his feet on the coffee table. "Its nice to have my head in the chopping block. I almost forgot what that feels like."


"Its freaking delightful."

"We'll keep looking." Sam reassures him.

Dean starts coughing, leaning forward.

"You okay? Hey." Sam says.

"Dean?" Alexis set a hand on his back. Dean stood, rushing to the sink. Sam and Alexis follow him as he leans over the sink, choking. He spit out a small piece of wood. Dean turns in the faucet, grabbing it and rinsing it off.

"What the....?" He mutters.

"We've been completely ignoring the biggest clue we have: you." Sam realizes.

"I don't wanna be a clue." Dean complains.

"Well, its either that or die in less than 24 hours. And I prefer the former, so, suck it up, buttercup. You're a clue." Alexis pats him on the back.

"The abrasions, this. The diseases, it's trying to tell us something." Sam tells them.

"Tell us what, wood chips?" Dean asks.

"Heh. Exactly." Sam nods.

"Sam, you have not proven your point yet." Alexis shakes her head.


Alexis watches as they pass a big, worn out sign. Cassity &Sons Lumber Mill, it read. The car slows to a stop outside of the old, broken down building. Dean kills the engine as Alexis steps out of the car.

"I'm not going in there." Dean says as he gets out of the car.

"We need backup, and you're all we've got." Sam tells him. "You're going in, Dean."

"Look," Alexis sighs, keeping her voice low as Dean turns to her. "I need you to go in there, okay? I'll owe you one. One favor, whatever you want. Promise."

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