Chapter 34: Well, come on, Thing 1 and 2, lets go

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Its a terrible life 1

Alexis woke up to a consistent beeping sound. She shifts, groaning. The annoying beeping stopped and she felt an arm wrap around her.

"Sweetheart." Deans lips brush over her bare shoulder.

Alexis smiles, sighing. She glances at the clock. 6:00 a.m. Alexis untangled herself from Dean, standing up. She grabs the robe that was strewn across the nightstand. Tying the robe around her waist, she turns. Alexis moves toward the closet, pulling out an outfit.

She had recently decided to keep some of her things at Deans house since she stayed here most days anyway. Alexis then took a quick shower and got dressed.

She walks into the kitchen as Dean just finished making two lattes. He smiles at her, sliding the cup toward her. Alexis smooths down her pencil skirt before grabbing Deans suit jacket off the chair and tosses it to him.

After that, the two head down to the parking lot. When they reached the two cars, they went their separate ways.

"Lex." Dean calls out before she got into her car.

"Yeah?" She asks.

"You want a ride?"

"Just because everyone at work already thinks we're sleeping together doesn't mean we have to prove them right. I don't need for everyone to know I'm with my boss." Alexis replies with a smile. Dean nods. She watches as he gets in his car. No doubt changing the radio station from classic rock to news.


Alexis follows Dean through off the elevator, listing off everything he had to do today. Her eyes land on the silver plaque on the door of Deans office. Dean Smith, it read, Director, Sales and Marketing.

She walks into the office, dropping a few folders on his desk. "Don't forget, you have a meeting tomorrow at ten a.m." Alexis informs. "Anything else I can do?"

"Not right now, Lex." Dean gave her a smile, taking a seat at his desk.

"Alright. I'll be back later." Alexis turns for the door, but stops when she heard Deans teasing voice.

"Lexi." He dragged out her name making her roll her eyes. "You're forgetting something."

Alexis turns to face him. "Yes, I forgot. Well, respectively, mainly so I'm not fired, sir, go fuck your yourself."

Dean chuckles. "That's my girl." He mutters under his breath as she walks out.

The day went as it usually did. Alexis would drop off some papers, bring Dean lunch, inform him on whatever he would forget. But her mind kept wandering back to her dream last night. She forces it out of her head as she walks down the hall, toward Deans office.

"Alexis." Vivian calls out, falling into step with her.

"Yeah?" Alexis didn't take her eyes off the papers in her hand.

Vivian scoffs. "You're still working under him. You could so take his job from him."

I do a lot of other things under him, too, Alexis thought. And on top. "Maybe." She shrugs. "But being an assistant isn't so bad. I gotta go." Alexis turned the corner and walked into Deans office.

"Mr. Adler." Dean greets as the man walks in.


Alexis picks up a stack of papers from the desk while dropping the spreadsheet.

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