Chapter 27: Oh, I'm sure

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After School Special 1

Alexis sat in the front seat of the impala next to Dean as they waited for Sam to walk out of the metal institution. He was interviewing the teenage girl who killed another girl at the high school, then claimed that she didn't do it. Well, then claimed that she couldn't control her body when she murdered the girl. Vivian sat in the backseat.

"Just sitting here in the car is boring." Vivian pauses briefly. "I'm gonna sing Beyonce if you don't hurry up."

"Lexi--" Dean complained.

Alexis scoffs, lighting hitting his arm before turning in her seat to face Vivian. "Please, don't sing Beyonce."

"I will." Vivian threatens, then something on Alexis' to get caught her eye. "Are you engaged?! Since when?"

Alexis glances down at her hand, then back up at Vivian. "Surprise...?" She chuckles nervously, knowing Vivian was going to lose her shit.

"Who are you engaged to?" Vivian asks.

Alexis gave her a look as Dean scoffs. "Who the hell do you think?"

"Could be George."

Dean turns to look at the two girls. "Who the hell is George?"

Alexis glances at Dean. "I have no clue."

"He's a Walmart truck driver. He delivers food to Walmart." Vivian explains.

"I don't know who is George is." Alexis sighs.

"She's lying. She slept with George. She's pregnant with George's baby even."

"No, I'm not." Alexis hisses, turning back around and crossing her arm over her chest. "You lying whore." She adds under her breath.

"Well, you're the lying whore. 'Cause you're knocked up, and lying about not knowing George."

Alexis quickly turned, leaning over the seat to hit her sister.

"Hey, hey, hey. Stop it." Dean slips an arm around Alexis' waist, pulling her back. "Vivian, shut it." He turns to Alexis. "What's up, Lexi?"

Alexis sighs, settling back into her seat. "The sky." She scoffs.


"I don't know. I'm just...very irritated." Alexis pauses. "At everything."

"Its 'cause she's pregnant." Vivian mutters.

"You--" Alexis was getting ready to attack her sister, but Dean pulled her to him again.

"Vivian, stop it." Dean hisses. Alexis sinks into Deans arms, sighing.

"You know its true." Vivian shrugs.

The conversation was cut short when the car door opened and Sam got in.

"So?" Dean asks, glancing over his shoulder at his brother.

"I think she's telling the truth." Sam sighs. "The way she talked about being there mentally but not physically. Kind of sounds like demonic possession to me."

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