Chapter 1: I'll get you out of here

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This one does not follow an episode

Alexis sat, covered in blood. Deans blood. Every part of her body screamed in pain, her head was throbbing, her muscles ached. A sharp pain was in her chest. Alexis heard agonized screams echo through her skull. Dean's screams.

Her vision blurred, the world spinning as her body swayed until she fell to the ground. She looked over at Deans grave, tears falling down her face. "...I'm sorry...." She chokes out before everything went black.


Alexis blinked, vision still blurry. She winces as she glances up to she a figure blocking the sun. She could tell it was a man, but she didn't know who it was.

"Alexis," he greets. "nice to finally meet you."

Her head spun, the world slowly fading out again.


The next time Alexis awoke she wasn't laying on the ground by Deans grave, her hand resting on the recently dug dirt. She shot up, immediately regretting it because pain flared through her body. Her hand flew to her chest as she looked around the unfamiliar room.

Alexis' fingers closed around the necklace Dean had given her.

Alexis' eyes scan the white walls that had gold trim, an odd choice, A chandelier hung from the ceiling above the couch she was sitting on. In front of her was a coffee table and the floors were marble.

Alexis stood, going for a weapon and only then realizing she was no longer in her clothes. She wasn't covered in blood anymore. Now, she was in a long, deep purple colored dress. It hung loose on her except for the thin gold belt around her waist.

Now beginning to panic, Alexis frantically looks around the room for something that could be used as A weapon.

Alexis quickly made her way toward one of the many paintings that hung throughout the room, she plucked it off the wall and moved back to the coffee table.

She lifted up the painting, dropping it on the glass topped table. Glass shattered just as a familiar blonde woman walks in the door.

"Oh, Alexis. Are you alright?" Carly walks toward Alexis, a soft smile on her face. "What happened?"

Alexis knelt to the ground, grabbing the biggest shard of glass there was and holding it out in front of her. "Where am I?"

Carly gives Alexis a sympathetic smile. "You know that won't hurt me. I'm very sorry for your loss, Alexis. I can feel how much this hurts you."

"Huh? You mean, 'see'?"

"No, feel. Sweetie, its oozing off of you. The pain." Carly slowly sets her hand on Alexis' wrist, lowering it. Then, she links arm with her and starts to lead her toward the door. "Come on, Eden would like to know you're awake."

"Eden?" Alexis asks. "Who's that? What's going on?"

"Before I take you any further I must tell you that James is....ahh, well, he's waited a long time to meet you. He can be a lot. Though, its not technically you he's wanted to meet, its just the role you were born into. No one knew who it would be." Carly nods her head. "Ready?"

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