Chapter 23: The shitty wallpaper?

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Family remains 1

Alexis sat beside Dean in the front seat of the impala, her head on his shoulder as Sam slept in the backseat. Dean held a flashlight, his eyes trained on the papers in his lap.

"What are you doing?" Sam asks as he woke up.

"What's it look like I'm doing?" Dean counters.

"Like you're looking for a job."


Sam sat up, looking over. "We just finished a job like two hours ago."

"Adrenaline's still pumping, I guess."

"In other words, we need a distraction." Alexis curls closer to Dean, not opening her eyes.

"So, what do you think?" Dean asks. "Cedar Rapids, Tulsa or Chi-Town?"

"I am all for working, I really am, but you've got us chasing cases nonstop for like a month now. We need sleep." Sam says.

"Eh, we can sleep when we're dead."

"Dean, baby, you're exhausted." Alexis sighs, sitting up. "We all are."

"I'm good."

"No, you're not. Alex is right. You're running on fumes, and you can't run forever." Sam adds.

"What am I running from?" Dean asks, setting an arm on the back of the seat.

"From what you told us." Sam pauses. "Or are we pretending that never happened?"

Dean turns back to the papers in hand. "Stratton, Nebraska. Farm town. Man gets hacked to death in a locked room inside a locked house. No signs of forced entry."

Alexis sighs. "Sounds like we've got a bloodthirsty Casper on our hands."

"Yes, it does."

Sam sighs, laying back down.

Alexis gave Dean a smile, moving back to his side. She grabs his wrist, pulling his arm around her shoulder. She leans into his side, closing her eyes. "Lets go kill a ghost."


The impala passes a For Sale sign that sat on the edge of the field where the house sat in the middle. Dean killed the engine and Alexis steps out of the passenger door.

She walks around the car, looking up at the farmhouse. She wraps an arm around Dean's torso as he sat his arm around her shoulder. The hunters walk up the stairs to the blue house.

Dean pulls away from Alexis, grabbing the lock pick from his jacket pocket. He unlocks the door, letting Alexis and Sam in first before stepping inside himself. He closes the door behind him.

The three hunters wander through the large empty house and into the living room.

"Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, one homicide." Dean looks around. "This place is gonna sell like hotcakes."

Alexis sighs. "You know, murder aside, this is a nice place." She turns to face the wall. "I would change this wallpaper though. I like the hardwood floors. Big front and back yard."

"House shopping now, are we?" Dean looks at her.

She smiles. "No. Just admiring. But if I did get a place, this wouldn't be a bad one." Alexis met Deans eyes again and saw a emotions she couldn't place in them.

The hunter then wander into the kitchen. Alexis pauses in the doorway.

"Like what you see?" Dean asks, a teasing tone in his voice, knowing she would hate it.

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