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The first time I had laid my eyes on him. It was a very sunny day and the sun was scorching hot. Everyone was basically using their handbags and hand fans to protect their face from the heat and ray of the hot sun, while some typical Nigerians were using their palm to fan their face. Luckily for me, I was under a shade, on a bench waiting for my next lecture before I had to think to walk back to the next LT.

From a distance, there he was, getting down from his new car. Marshal was the talk of the whole school. I mean, why won't he be? He was tall, dark, handsome, rich boy, with a nice clean low cut with fine beards to compliment him. But, personally, I hated him, you know the hate you have for extremely fine guys who actually know themselves that they are fine and carry themselves so high. Also, you know when you just hate someone for living your dreams in reality. Yup, that's me! Wanna call me toxic? Naaa. Jealous maybe? Yes, absolutely. But then, I am sure even his colleagues are jealous of him. Every female in the school, both the single and taken, wanted him. Except me tho. I am sure he has shared hatred among his mates. Yh, he was studying accounting and I was studying law. Such great courses. In my school, or in Nigeria at large the pride of the school lies in 3 professional courses mostly – LAW, MEDICINE, ACCOUNTING. If it aint one of these three major branches of classes of education, it was nothing. I stand to be corrected. And studying these courses in a private school, mehnnn, that's a full boast.

The sun had seem to go down a little, I took my bag and carried my books off the bench walking to my next class. I was almost entering the class when I heard someone calling at me. I dint think it was me, cos all I was hearing was 'heys, heys heys'. I can't possibly be the one the person is calling. I rarely draw anyone's attention so I continued walking until someone tapped my shoulder. I flipped, about to give the person the best lash of his/her life. I turned around and there he was in front of me. I dint realize I had rolled my eyes unconciously.

"do I know you?" he asked confused

"do I know you too?" I replied in a harsh tone

"I mean you literally just rolled your eyes at me; I don't even know you" he said

"what do you want Mr man?" I asked rolling my eyes again , this time, with intention... I cut him off while he was about to say something. "look, whatever it is I am not interested" I said curtly about to take my leave

"really? You are not interested in having your note back?" he said, bringing my note pad out his back pack. I dint know it had fallen. I wanted the earth to swallow me at this point. I mean, what was I expecting? He has seen something in me? Oh please.

"oh. Right. Thank you" I said in the calmest and unbothered way I could ever act like grabbing the book from him and walking away. I heard his conversation with his friend. They were at ear listening distance.

"you sabi Tami?" his friend asked in pidgin(broken English)

"that's her name?"

"yh, durh. Don't get along with her, she's the most uptight person, you'd regret it... no one who asked her out had ever been accepted, she always turned them down, heard she had a big scandal back in secondary school..."

"I don't plan on having anything to do with her anyway"

I rolled my eyes, "bitch not like I want to have anything with you either" I said to them and walked farther away. That was enough for my ears.


"Tami, Tami, wait!" I heard my best friend calling from a distance. Yh, I at least had a friend. We met in the school's cafeteria. I was going to sign for my food's ticket when someone jumped the line like nobody was at back was on the queue. I and someone else had shouted. I looked back and he was frowning and the way he lashed out, everyone would have thought it was more than the mere incident of him jumping the queue. The guy immediately went to the back of the queue which seemed to have increased more than when he jumped queue.

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