Chapter 12

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This was the third day since Tamilore had been staying over. It felt good but at the same time, there was mad sexual tension between us and we both know it is there, considering the fact that we were a thing even though I had not properly asked her. We slept in the same room. Dad wasn't aware of this though. Just Ibidun, who overlooked even though she will get in more trouble if dad found out. She also loved the twins and they loved her. I know what it was not to grow up with a mother, or to lose one infact. I am happy Ibidun was there everytime. My dad also says they remind him of us when we were young, even though I don't know how that does.

My father had asked us to prepare as he wanted to take us out. I was on my way to check Jomiloju when I saw Tamilore all dressed up. She was working on Ibidun's face and she was serious about it. I smiled and moved closer to them, she was wearing a black dress with a tiny strap and the back was low, the front slit stopped at her mid thigh, she looked hot. Her laps were definitely a sight to see. So thickkkkkk.

"you are so beautiful" I said wrapping my hands around her waist

"when did you get here" she said jumping in her stance.

"just now" I said as she turned to me, I drew her closer giving her a peck. On her cheek, on her cheek guys.

"stop distracting her Romade" Ibidun said

"sorry maa... you look stunning Ibidun" I said to her

"thank you dear"

"y'all better be fast about that, Dad would soon get here and yunno how he is on taking time" I said

"we are almost done babe" Tamilore smiled.

"where are the twins?" I asked

Tamilore nodded in a direction, and I followed her direction to see the twins sleeping on the couch in their little tuxes. My dad had got them that earlier in the day when we all went out for shopping. Someone had even complimented my dad for having 4 beautiful boys. Hehehe.

"wow, never knew they sleep" I said

"ahba, what do you mean?" Tamilore asked sprinkling powder on me. I moved back instantly.

"hey, don't ruin my tux. And I mean they play almost every time, day and night, ofc I am surprised to see them sleeping"

"well, maybe they are exhausted from all the shopping today, they are taking a nap"

"yh, that makes sense, at least they enjoyed themselves" I said as I smacked her ass secretly and she sent me a look as I smiled walking off.

"I will go check on Jomiloju" I said. Ibidun must have been aware of the action as I heard both of them laughing.

Tamilore continued working on Ibidun's face.

"Jomiloju?" I knocked on his door

"come in" I heard

I walked in the room. He was sitting on his head and his head was between his palms. I moved closer to him sitting on his bead.

"hey, what's wrong?" I asked putting my arm over his shoulder

"it's my mom" he said crying

"is she back again? Who knows what she did this time"

"she is dead, she killed herself in jail"

That dropped like a bomb

"what? Oh my God how?"

"the warder said she had been ranting about how she had lost her family to her cellmates and the next day they woke up to her dead"

"fuck! I am so sorry man"

"you are happy she's dead right?"

"why would you say such. Cmon. She is your mother. I won't ever do that to you. I know she took my mother's life but no I won't want the pain of losing a mother to happen to anybody not even you"

"are you sure?" he said bursting into tears

"I forgave your mom a long time ago"


"yes, come here" I said pulling in Jomiloju

"thank you" he said as he cried on me and I felt like a big brother. I heard him snort "you better not ruin my tux boy" I said as I heard him laugh and we both laughed.

He cleaned up his tears.

"do you want me to tell dad to cancel today's dinner? I mean if you don't feel up to it?"

"hell no! I had hate to be the reason dad does not come out"

"dad is gay!!!?"

"eh, no ooo. Ahhh relaxxx. How are you so slow?"

"then what do you mean?"

"he is going to tell us about his relationship with Ibidun dumbass"

"ohhhhhh! Really??? I mean I knew that had something but I dint consider them that serious. Wow"

"so you are telling me you haven't seen the ring on her finger?"

"wait ring? Aswr I haven't man. How dint I notice?"

"tsk tsk tsk" Jomiloju said shaking his head " well how would you when you have been so caught up with Tamilore" he continued

I smiled "well. That one sef dey"

"oh please. You owe me sha"


"you won't be with her if I dint let her go at first"

I rolled my eyes.


"have you asked her out yet?"

"not yet. I plan on doing that during the Abuja trip"

"niceeee. A romantic gesture. She loves those"

"I know right?"

Jomiloju rolled his eyes

"you need to give me more credit. I know my girl to an extent too" I said

Jomiloju nodded

"we better get going. I am sure the ladies are waiting" He said standing up

"you good right?"

'I am fine. Really, I am fine. It hurts, but I am okay at the moment"

"I understand you. I am here for you man." I said as I hugged him. Tamilore came in

"jeez, if you were not brothers, I would have passed you off as gay" she said

"we were just hugging jeez. Boys are allowed to hug too without y'all assuming we are gay" I said

"right I am sorry" she said as we all laughed

"but I had actually think you were cheating on me with a guy if you hugged another guy that way" she said

"even if I was gay. Jomiloju is not my type and..." I pulled her closer, my hands locked on her waist, "you had turn me to a straight man immediately just by having you in my life"

Tamilore's smile grew wide.

"jeez!! Get out of my room you two!" Jomiloju screamed walking out of the room. "you are crazy" he said

"yes crazy in love" I shouted

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