Chapter 32

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Tamilore was the one convocating and I was the one nervous.

"JEEZ, CALM DOWN BRO, she will definitely say yes" Imisi told me. Of course I had told him I had plans on proposing to Tamilore.

"you sure?" I asked

"both of you are madly in love with each other; I don't see how or why she will say no"

"thanks man" I said hugging him, staring at the ring box

"such a beautiful ring that is son" my dad said smiling resting his arms around my shoulder

"thanks dad"

"you ready?" Tami's dad asked

"absolutely not sir"

"whether or not you are, our girl is waiting for us" my mom said holding Tiaraoluwa. Yes she gave birth already. A bouncing baby girl. A beautiful one at that. And her name was TIARAOLUWA. Tiara for short. (TIARAOLUWA means for the body of Christ)

"shall we?" my dad asked

I nodded and we all head out.

As usual, the campus was buzzing. There were a lot students convocating this year. I saw Tamilore waiting with her step mom. She waved at me as soon as she saw me. I walked to her smiling trying to hide the ring box properly cos I had been staring at it all throughout the drive down. She hugged me as soon as I came to her. I greeted her stepmom and she smiled as she strode away to meet others.

"hello Graduate" I said

"a lawyer to be now" she replied.

"of course. DELAW!!!"

"it's just a month away to my Call To Bar"

"how time flies" I said and watched her process in with other students to the hall. She was called for her first class prize and being the best graduating student. The whole family shouted, cheered, clapping harder than anyone. She laughed as she walked to the stage to collect her prize and a million cheque sponsored by my dad who in all honesty dint know Tamilore would be getting it.

The event came to an end. Tamilore threw her tent in front of the school's café, so we all headed there.

Everyone was settled now. Imisi kicked me in the foot indicating that this was my chance. I adjusted myself and my tie and got up. I clicked the wine glass with my table knife and unfortunately it clicked too hard, the wine glass broke. Now everyone had their eyes on me. Nice work Kelvin Lawal, exactly what you wanted but maybe not breaking the glass. Tamilore looked at me waiting for I had to say. I cleared my throat.

"now that I have everyone's attention"... I paused, looking at Tamilore beside me and put my hands out for her, she took my hands looking confused and stood up.

"Tamilore" I said getting down on one knee, removing the ring box from my breast pocket. She gasped. I saw smiles on everyone's face.

"Tamilore, when I first walked into you, I never imagined or thought that I would ever fall madly in love with you that I had even imagine me wanting to spend the rest of my life with nobody but you. I love you my Tamtam , it is crazy how much I do. I fall in love with you every day, every hour, every minute, every passing second and I want to do so till we grow old loving only you, I might not have the cutest proposal lines rn but one word I know I would never stop using is the L word. I want to love you everyday of our lives, please do me the honor and marry me? Please?" I finished as I opened the box

Tamilore's eyes were so filled with tears

"yes Kelvin" she said whispering

"what? I dint hear you"

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