Chapter 19

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I had asked Tamilore's dad for permission and Imisi also helped me convince him and he agreed. He also accepted that Tosa drove us. Nobody told Tamilore anything. It was a surprise.

I had packed food basket, thanks to the boys, and courtesy of Mr Adebiyi's chef (Mr Adebiyi is Tamilore's dad you guys, did you forget?). the food basket contained Tamilore's favorite, and I packed mat and blanket and a bottle of red wine, which Jomiloju chose. The stuffs were all in the car trunk, Tosa and I had prepared it there so Tami won't see it. We were waiting for her now. I told her to dress nice and that it was a date. What I dint include was that it was a picnic date. Tamilore wore a red, long sleeved V dress that stopped at her mid thigh with a silver heel to match. She definitely looked good. Red looked good on her. She approached us and I hugged her. She greeted Tosa who smiled and opened the door for us. Tamilore looked at him surprised, he never opens the car door for her.

"he is our chaperone for today's date" I said

"I see" she said smiling. Tosa smiled back, he looked like he was excited to do this.

We got in the car and Tosa drove off to our designated location, Millennium Parks.

We got there in the evening. Tamilore got down and she was surprised as she looked at herself and me.

"you dint tell me it was a picnic date, I could have dressed a little casual or worn a sandal or sneakers at least" she said looking down at her legs.

"you look perfectly fine Tamilore" I said and I went to get something I had kept for her

"I thought just in case you actually wore heels, I had bring it for you" I said bending down to take her heels off and wore the white sandals I had gotten at the mall, while we were doing shopping, as soon as I saw the slippers, I knew it was meant for her. Fortunately, it was her size.

"awwwww, Kelvin, its's sooo nice and it fits perfectly, how did you get my size?"


"awwww, y'all are so cute" she said smiling

"lets go, shall we?" I asked

"thank you Kelvin" she said as she hugged me

"you are welcome my Tamtam"

"oh not again" she shook her head

"I had be back by 8" Tosa said

"thank you Tosa" I said and he raised his thumb. I just smiled. He dropped the food basket and the mat and other things we brought

"oh my God you prepared this?" Tamilore asked

"yes I did. Not me alone tho"

"oh God! How are you so sweet?"

"I know baby, I know" I said as she shook her head.

I carried the basket and she carried the mat and blanket.

We found a perfect spot beside the mountain. We laid our mat there and sat down. I used the blanket to cover our legs.

"you hungry?" I asked bringing out the food we brought

"yes please"

We packed peppered turkey, stir fry spaghetti and fried plantains.

"wow, this is a lot Kelvin. you've really outdone yourself"

"it's all yours babe"

"I am going to get filled today"

"yes you are" I said as I dished out the food on the plastic plate.


We had eaten our food. Now we were on our wine, the wine tasted so good. It was a perfect date. Kelvin made me feel amazing. He was amazing. I loved the view, the food, the wine, the blankets, the night weather. It seems like Kelvin did plan it well. Kelvin sat up and held my hands looking down at them and brought them to my lips as he kissed them. I kept my eyes on him.

"Tamilore. Would you be my girlfriend..." he said and paused "Fuck! That's now how I meant for it to come out, I want to say more, I want to tell you how much I love you, how much I want to be with you, how much I want to make you mine mine, how I have been dying to ask you this question..." he rambled on and on until I brought my finger to his lips shhhhh-ing him.

"I think you have pretty much said it. And yes Kelvin, I would be your girlfriend" I said and he looked at me.


"yes Kelvin, really" I said and he pulled me into a hug

"fuck! Thank you TamTam" he said and I pulled back instantly

"do not call me that..." I said and he dint even allow my words to land as he kissed me. He kissed me like he was telling me he was mine and I as his only. Until we were interrupted by a lady.

"Kelvin Oluromade Lawal?" the lady said and we looked at her. I felt Kelvin's body tense

"Kendra" he called her name

"I see you are cheating on me now" she said and Kelvin looked at me. His face grew an emotion I wasn't familiar with.

Just then Tosa came, it was time to go and I dint even wait as I followed Tosa leaving Kelvin.

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