Chapter 2

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"shhhhhh, I promise you, it won't hurt""

"sir please, you can't do this"

"I am not your sir, you can call me daddy"

"Mr Aj please I only came for the class notebooks"

"come on now Tamilore, how do you think you are the head girl, I chose you, because I like you and because of that, you are going to have an amazing recommendation for your university applications"

"Mr Aj please" I tried to run but his office was a private office and he had locked the door and threw the keys to hell knows where. I knew he had always given me special treatment and tried to be flirtatious with me but the least I expected was to be a victim of rape.

He pulled me back, slapped me and burst my shirt open, all the buttons flying out. "if you don't cooperate, you will get it hard, do you want that?" he said to me licking my ears

My lips had torn, as I tasted blood, I was shaking my head, screaming God's name in my head. He started unbuckling his belt, I screamed on the top of my lungs, then I felt iron on my head, he had hit me with his belt. I was losing consciousness, he tore my skirt zip open, and my panties were already to my ankle. The last thing I heard was my door broken down and someone carrying me out of the office.

End of Flashback


My mouth was still open. She had opened up to me. I saw her trembling again.

"can i?" I asked her as I spread my arms in front of her. She looked at me and nodded. Without hesitating, I got in bed with her and pulled her closer to me. I forgot she was naked beside me underneath the blanket. She poured her eyes out on my chest.

"is that why you shut every guy out?" I asked when I noticed she wasn't crying again

"it wasn't intentional, I could not, at the back of my head, I'd always think they prolly just want to have their way with me too, I felt uncomfortable when guys looked at me in a certain way"

"I understand you. No one should blame you for protecting yourself" I said to her "what happened to the bastard?""nothing, he was sacked and that was all. He walked freely and I had to be the girl shamed for seducing a teacher and calling it rape"

"what!!! That's fucked up"

"my dad took him to court, but he pleaded consent and that there was no penetration involved to be called rape, he had a really good lawyer and my lawyer did not even defend him or try to file an attempt to rape instead, and it was later I found out my lawyer was his fiancée at the time"

"wait what! That's bullshit! She deserves everything bad that comes with marriage if she ended up with him"

"I am not sure she did"

"still, she dint defend you properly, I wish her all the bad luck."

FUCK! Now I am more mad than her. And she laughed. I swear she laughed. I looked at her confused.

"you know? It's funny you are this mad, I should be like this, not you"

"you have done that for 6 years of your life, I think its high time someone helped you with that" I said and she smiled.

" I get something to wear now?" she asked her hands making beats over the blanket.

"oh yes sure, my bad my bad. I'm sorry" I said standing up immediately. I saw her eyes go wide as she immediately looked elsewhere. I stood confused for a second, proceeding to get her cloth until I felt my bulge. I looked down and yes my dick was standing. Fuck! This thing has a mind of its own. I ran to the toilet in the room. I heard her laugh. I calmed myself down before returning to her with my shirt and one of my shorts.

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