Chapter 23

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I slept off waiting Kelvin's call. I checked the time, it was past 12 in the morning already. I saw my battery had gone low, so I pulled my charger and plugged it in.

Kelvin's call came in. I picked it up on the first ring. I heard a female's voice instead. I should have ended the call at this point. But I decided to leave it on and listen.

"does she know you are sleeping over at my house?" I heard the lady say

"who?" I heard Kelvin's voice over the phone. Seemed like it was distant

"your girlfriend of course. The one you chose over me" she said

KENDRA!!?? I thought

"why would I tell her such?" Kelvin said

I felt my heart shatter into pieces. Tears crossed down my cheeks.

"and why can't you tell your serious girlfriend you are here with me ?"

I heard Kelvin laugh, I did not wait to hear his response as I ended the call. I was crying profusely, I had not heard someone knock on my door. But I know someone walked in and covered me with my blankets and slept beside me. I turned to look at who it was, it was the twins.

"sis Tamilore, why are you crying?" Doyin said. Damola just stared at me like a lost puppy. They had never seen me cry. I never let myself look vulnerable to them, but this night was different.

Funny how I dint cry in front of them when my mum died, but I am doing that over a boy.

"I just ate breakfast" I said. They looked at each other confused and looked back at me.

"isn't breakfast a meal you eat early in the morning"? Damola asked "and why would cry over breakfast"?

"breakfast, she means is , she got her heart broken" I heard Imisi say as he walked over to us. When did he even get here? The last thing I wanted was him knowing what he feared the most came to pass; Kelvin did hurt me.

"what is heartbreak?" Doyin asked

"it is the feeling you get when someone you love the most hurt you"

"that would mean mummy gave us heartbreak by leaving us forever and making our classmates call us 'The momless twins'. Damola said non chalantly.

"hey! You were not supposed to tell them that" Doyin smacked Damola

"wait! What?! Who the F said that"?

"we know what F stands for Sis" Damola said

"what does it stand for?" Doyin asked as Damola rolled his eyes

"that's not important!. Did your classmates really say such awful things?" Imisi asked

"yes they did" they replied simultaneously

"we are going to your school first thing tomorrow morning" I said

"but you would implicate our friends too" Damola said

"they are not your friends if they taunt you about not having a mom figure" Imisi said

"that's what I said!!!" Doyin said.

"we are sha going to your school! Friends involved or not!" I said

"I second that" Imisi said

"I third that" that was Dad. We all turned back surprised. When did he get here?

"so this is where all of you are gathered; I have been looking everywhere for you, I thought you have been kidnapped"... he paused. "let me tell Tosa I found you guys" he said walking out of the room.

I cleaned up my tears immediately.

"not a word about this to Dad , promise?" I said to the boys

"the mom part? Or the breakfast part?" Doyin asked

"good question" Imisi answered smiling

"both!" I said smirking at Imisi

"we gat you" they replied.

We went downstairs to meet Dad. He was just walking inside the house.

"when did you get back?" I said collecting his office stuffs.

"just now. I was out on a date" he said casually. He was smiling at himself. Imisi and I exchanged looks.

"a date?" we chorused

"why are the twins still awake by this time?" he asked checking his watch

"they woke up to pee" I said winking to the twins. They smiled and ran off to their room screaming good night.

Dad was about to go to his room when Imisi and I stopped in front of him, each of us cupping his arm and pulled him to the chair.

"we are not done with our conversation Dad" I said sitting next to him in case he plans to run off again. Imisi did the same at his other side.

" a date hmmm?" Imisi asked

My dad smiled, his smile was ear to ear, you could see it. My dad is in love. I should be grossed out but I am really happy for him. He finally let his heart love a woman after all these years.

"I met her a few months ago. We are nothing serious yet; just outings and dates and all, she is single. She works downstairs; the building next to our office. I bumped into heron my way to the restaurant just down the street..."

"and boom both of you fell in love. Perfect cliché story" Imisi interrupted

My dad smiled.

"maybe" he said

"do you want to be serious" I asked

"can I?"

"of course you can DADDY!!" we said

"well, yes, I really like her"

"as long as you're happy, we are happy too"

"I am happy you are happy" he replied

"exactly daddy" I said . I started crying again and hugged him

"awww Tami" my dad said hugging me back

"I'm just too happy for you" I said. Imisi just stood there staring at me lying to our dad, I mean I was truly happy but we both know that's not close to why I am crying.

"we can't wait to meet her" Imisi said cutting us

"sure, once she is comfortable with that"


"aight, off to bed now you two. That's enough adult talk." He said getting up.

"good night Pops" I said running off to my room

"is she okay?" I heard my dad ask

"yh, it's prolly she being in her feelings again, yunno how your girl is emotional at touchy things like this" Imisi said.

I shut my door, locked it and cried myself to sleep while listening to Let Her Go by Passenger.

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