Chapter 15

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We had just finished writing our final exams. As usual, exam period was hectic. Every student was serious and of course there was no time to be the lazy. I think if a school ever wants to know the populace of its students, it should be during exam period, because every student will be in attendance, even the unserious ones.

The Abuja trip was planned for after exams. So we were getting prepared to leave for our flight. Tamilore had to pack every of her stuffs, because usually at the close of session, everyone is expected not to leave a single thing in school.

Our flight to Abuja was good and we safely landed around evening time. The journey was rough though, cos we had left Ibadan to Lagos airport on road.

As soon as we got outside the airport, Tosa(Tami's dad's driver) was waiting for us already. I loved his punctuality, because the last thing we needed was having to wait for our ride after all the stress. He approached us while gathering our loads to the trunk and greeted us.

"Ah! Lore, your load plenty o" Tosa said

"yunno it's the end of the session" she replied as I helped him pack some of the loads in the car trunk.

"thank you boss" Tosa said. He was a young guy actually, could be in early 30s or late 20s.

"no wahala bro" I replied

"hope say you dey take care of my oga daughter, na my sister o" he said and I laughed

"I am serious o, if you do her anyhow, I will find you" he continued

"I promise it won't happen" I said

"ko ti e gbodo happen" he said in Yoruba and that cracked me up.

"why are you both laughing?" Tamilore said joining us

"men talk baby" I said taking her hands and walking her to the car.


"Damola and Doyin nko?" Tosa asked in Yoruba (where is Damola and Doyin?)

"wo nbo sir. They followed Jomiloju to the restroom" (they are coming)

"oya oo, we have a long way to go" he said and then Jomiloju and the twins were walking to us with two large buckets of chicken. I opened my mouth in awe.

"Jomiloju, you are spoiling these boys" I said

"leave them ooo, can't I spoil my younger brothers?" Jomiloju said

"well, it is because you do not have one" I said

"eshey ooo" Jomiloju replied

Damola was about to wander off when Tosa grabbed him, "heys heys oga kekere, come back here" Tosa said grabbing Damola (small boss)

I shook my head as we all entered. Jomiloju sat in front with Tosa while Kelvin and I sat at the back with the twins.


I showed Kelvin and Jomiloju different places while we were on our way. It was like a drive tour.

We got home late at night. Dad and Imisi were waiting for us at the entrance of the house. As soon as the car halted, Damola opened the door and jumped out.

"daddy, daddy , daddy" Damola screamed

Doyin patiently waited for us to get down and walked as his mouth was full and his stomach bloated seeing as he could not move himself properly. Oti jeun yo. (he is all filled up)

"how was Ibadan my dear?" my dad asked as he kept rambling on and on as Dad picked him up and entered the house.

Imisi grabbed Doyin who looked like he was about to faint. "welcome sisto" Imisi greeted

"thank you... bring him, go help the boys with the bags" I said to him

"yes ma" he handed over Doyin and ran to the boys


We were offloading the bags from the car when Tamilore's brother came running towards us.

"easy man" I said

"how was the trip?" he asked

"hectic but still pleasant" I answered

"nice! Abuja is lovely isn't it?" he asked

"yes it is" Jomiloju answered

Tosa shut the trunk as soon as we were done and drove the car to their parking space.

We all took the bags and headed inside. Their house was beautiful. It was a duplex with a nice interior décor. It definitely looked like a family home. I looked over to where food was served. There were a lot of dishes. Perfect! I am starving.
Imisi showed us to our rooms. I and Jomiloju were to sleep in one room. According to Imisi, that was the only room available and their dad won't allow me sleep with his daughter in the same room. I already knew that lol.

Jomiloju and I looked around the room, it was quite spacious. And it was actually so tidied.

"I am taking the corner with the socket" Jomiloju said

"I don't care. I won't be sleeping here anyways"

"ehhehehh. And where will you be sleeping?" he asked raising his brows

"the room in front of us"

"and whose is it?"

"Tami of course"

"if her father catch you. I no dey o"

"that's up to me to make sure he does not catch us"

Jomiloju shook his head as we dumped our bags in the closet. We heard a knock on the door. "come in" we called out

Tamilore strolled inside. "how are you settling in?"

"pretty good actually. The room is lovely" I said

"yh, my dad had Imisi tidy it up on your arrival"

"that's really so thoughtful of him. We should thank him later" Jomiloju said

"yh. Anyways I just came to check up on you"

"thanks b" Jomiloju answered as I arranged our body accessories in the small space of the closet.

"and yes, come down when you are ready, your food is all set" she said

"yes! I dint miss that, I had love to. I'm starving"

"me too!!"

Tamilore smiled. "well, get your ass down here" she said as she walked out. She was wearing a short and I watched as her ass bounce out of the room.

"can you take your eyes off her for a second?! She is all yours bro!" Jomiloju said shaking his head

"yup, that's why I can't take my eyes off her cos I'm still shocked that she's all mine"

"pressure ti wa bayi o" Jomiloju said "when you are done fantasizing, you'll come downstairs and eat" Jomiloju added as he slipped a top on, shaking his head and walked out of the room.

I laughed as he went out and soon I joined them.

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