Chapter 1

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Ese's dress fit perfectly on her. She looked stunning. Anyone who dint notice her before would certainly do that at the party. She put more efforts in this look. It was hot.

"you fucking look beautiful Tami. This is the best I have seen you doll up, every day black and white. Omo that thing dy cover person beauty o"

If a black could blush, I would look flushed as hell rn. Cos I was blushing. Ese rarely compliments, so yh, when she does, I know she means it.

I was wearing a blue strapless dress that hugged my body with silver long earrings and a silver sandal that match perfectly. I had big breasts and ass too, so yes my curves were evident and maybe a little too much considering how thick I am. But, Ese insisted I wore it and so I did. Plus I loved how hot I look in it.


I saw Jomiloju at the entrance of the apartment. It was a house party and there was an after party later at a club I had no idea about and would not care to have an idea about since I don't plan on going fir it.

Jomiloju's stares slightly made me uncomfortable immediately his eyes landed on me. Ese waved goodbye as she went off on her own, God knows where. Prolly to find the person who invited her.

"Lore damn! You look friggin beautiful! Infact, you are beautiful"

"thank you" I said looking away shy

"if you were not my bestfriend, I would be flirting with you rn"

I rolled my eyes. Ola approached us

"babe, I've been looking all over for you"

"I am sorry, I was waiting for Tamilore" he said pecking her on the lips.

I awkwardly looked elsewhere.

"who is she?" Ola asked directing the question at me. I looked at her surprised

"wait! Tamilore!?... oh my God , I almost did not recognize you. You look so goooddd. You really ATE that outfit"

"thanks Olabisi"

"yhyh, more like putting lipstick on a pig" Olabisi's bestfriend, more like penguin said. Jomiloju and I hated her with passion. God knows how she and Olabisi are best of friends.

"at least she looks better than you effortlessly even with you on make up" Olabisi said and reprimanded her as she walked off

"okayyyyyyyy" I thought to myself

"let's go in?" Jomiloju said tapping the small of my back, taking Olabisi's hands in his.

Once I stepped in, I felt like going back home. I was going to regret this. Drinks were everywhere, at a corner some boys were smoking, probably weed, who cares? There was pizza, bunch of red cups and different people on video games and board games.

Jomiloju and Olabisi had left for God knows where. I'm sure to make out. About to waste babies again.

I was walking inside the kitchen to get the pizza at least when I stumbled on a bottle someone carelessly left on the floor. I caught myself as my stomach hit the kitchen slab. Fuck! That hurt.

I knew that was about to form a bruise. I tried not to focus on the pain as I mentally cursed the person who left the bottle there.

"with that expression, the person who left that bottle on the floor must be dead or crippled by now" a guy from behind said

I laughed and turned. It was Marshal.


"how far? Marshal? You dey go that party?" my guy, Oba asked while we were in my apartment. (are you going for the party?)

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