Chapter 25

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FEW WEEKS LATER (2 weeks to Christmas)

Tamilore's POV

I was in a tutorial class with my friends, yup I made friends , JESSICA and JESUTONI. They are actually so amazing.

We were preparing for exams when Kelvin's dad call came in. I decided not to pick and turned it off. Then, I thought it was rude to do so, I quickly picked my phone and answered the call. I excused myself and went to an empty classroom.

"good evening sir"

"Hi dear, I hope I'm not calling at a bad time?" he asked

"no sir, I was just in a tutorial class"

"oh. I'm sorry dear, this won't take long"

"oh, not at all, it is okay sir. Please go ahead"

"I sent my driver to your hostel, I'm getting married next weekend, I asked him to deliver the IVs"

I gasped. "oh my, Congratulations sir."

"thank you. I know you're wondering so fast?  We wanted get married soon before the elections start"

"that's so thoughtful sir. I'm genuinely happy for you sir"

"thank you. I should be expecting you right?"

"of course sir."

"good, I sent dresses too"

"awwww, sir you spoil me . you dint have to" I said bending down to air as if he could see me actually kneeling to show my appreciation.

"anything for my son's girl" he said

"does he know I'm coming sir?" I asked. Realizing Kelvin had not told his dad we are over.

"I'm not sure. I wanted to invite you myself."

"alright sir"

"see you both next week and do not forget the driver is on his way" he said and ended the call.

I sighed. As I ended the call, I looked for different excuses to make for why I won't be present for this wedding. But then, I told myself, FUCK IT, I'm going. It's not every day a Nigerian politician invites you personally to his wedding. Hahaha

I walked back to the classroom and told the girls I had a headache and I was retiring from the class early. As expected, the driver was already waiting in front of my hostel. I greeted him and he handed me two IVs and bags and shoe boxes. I thanked him and watched him drive off. I got inside my hostel. My hall mates prolly wondering if the young driver was my man bearing gifts. I ignored them and entered my room.

"are you available for a party this weekend?" I asked Ese on entering the room. She jumped up on the amount of things I held in my hands.

"did they share gifts in LT ni?" she asked surprised

"of course. Miskay came to do giveaway in main campus, you might just be lucky to meet them if you go now"

"you dey whine me right?" (you're kidding right?)

I laughed

"not funny Tami... anyways so what party is it that comes bearing dresses and shoes with the most beautiful IV cards I've ever seen" she asked opening one of the invitation card

"wedding party"

"Kelvin's?" she asked smiling

"not funny."

"I won't be surprised if he actually was getting married to that bitch"

"how are you so insensitive?"

" I am? I am not. I just don't care"

"same thing ma. It's his dads wedding"

"hell yes! I'm available" she said "time to get some sugar daddy"

"jeez he is getting married."

"I dint say your ex's father, I am sure his other friends would definitely be there and they are politicians too" she clarified

I hate how she used the word 'ex' though. But really, isn't he? Get yourself together TAMILORE!

"alright ooo"

"who got us dresses?"

"my father in law" I said and I loved how I gained a reaction from her. Take that bitch!

"you mean ex ?"

"yen! He still sees me as his daughter-in-law, shut it"

"okay ooo. Iyawo omo politician" (wife of a politicians son)

I took a look at the invitation card and wondered how an IV could be this beautiful. They chose Gold and Magenta Pink. Nice.

Imisi's call entered. I answered it "whats good?"

"are you going?"

"who's asking?"

"daddy. Urghhhhh"

"oh, how does he know?"

"Hon. Lawal called and asked Dad for permission for you to attend."

"awww, that's sweet of him"

"so you dey go or not?" (so are you going or not?)

"yes I am going."

"okay. I had tell him then."

"k. bye bro"

"chill na. do they know you will be there?"

"I haven't spoken to them"

"calm... he paused "anyways I'd be home by then"

"that's true, you're not writing exams this year. Eeyaa"

"yes ke. I like it o abeg. Make I dey flex for house" (yes . I absolutely like it, I want to enjoy my stay at home)

"it's like you forgot the type of dad you have"

"na you dey always follow the rules" (you are the yes man)

"whatever bye"

"k sis! Bye"

"ah! 1-0.. nice one "

We both laughed as I ended the call. I threw the phone on the bed , taking my backpack to the chair. I slept off immediately my back hit the bed.

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