Chapter 16

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My dad had prepared a whole lot of food. He said he dint know which they had like to eat, so he prepared everything. I do think he's probably trying to impress them. I mean I would too. In Nigeria, connection speaks louder than a degree and my dad could really use that. Having a governor as your daughter's father in law was a big flex. Okay Tami, chill. Y'all are not even dating yet, you're already talking of marriage. Honestly, I still wonder why Kelvin hasn't asked me out, but then, I usually tell myself, nobody really asks each other out anymore, we know what we are and that's what matters. Until, Ese told me that until a guy expressly asks you out, I should not assume we were going out, because men are scum. I shook my head on the thought of that as I focused on the dinner.

Jomiloju came down the stairs. He sat beside Imisi at the far end of the dining table. Kelvin came right after and sat beside me.

"I dint know what you had like, so I had the chef prepare everything" my dad said

"since when do we have a chef?" I asked

"since Dad became a Chartered Accountant"

"osheyyyyyyyy, ahahhaha, largest purrrrrrrr" I was hailing my dad and he just smiled shaking his head

"ibo mo ti ri e naa?" my dad joked (where did I get you from?)

"well you gave birth to me so" I said laughing

"congratulations sir" Kelvin said

"thank you son"

"congratulations daddy sir" Jomiloju added

"thank you dear"

"how come Jomiloju calls him daddy?" Kelvin asked whispering to my ear

"you know he's still trying to be on my dad's good side , sooooo"

Kelvin nodded.

"come on, don't be like that" I said

"naaa, I'm fine joor. I am not thinking about that. I am just reasoning if I'd ever get to call him that"

"yes you would, we are not rushing are we?"

"yes we aren't" he said holding my hands

My dad hit the spoon on the plate slightly to call our attention.

"no talking on the dining. You know the rules Tamilore" my dad said

"right. I forgot. I am sorry sir" I said smiling. Imisi shook his head "enough bantering you love birds" he said as Kelvin smiled

"you! I better not see you step your foot in my daughter's room" Dad said to Kelvin and Jomiloju coughed.

Kelvin sent him a look immediately.

"dad please, he wouldn't dare" I said

"actually I already did" Kelvin whispered to me as I stepped on his foot and he flinched

"shut it and eat your food" I said glaring at him

"we will see who would be shutting their mouth after" Kelvin said as he served himself. There was rice, beef, chicken, gizzdodo, moimoi spread out on the table. It was practically a small buffet. I dished my dad's food first and gave it to him and everyone digged in after.


After eating, Imisi and I were doing the dishes when Kelvin came in

"I will help with that" he said taking the sponge from my hand

"oh thanks!" I said as I let go of the sponge and rinsed my hand

"she hates washing plates, doesn't she ?" Kelvin asked

"actually no she doesn't" Imisi said laughing

I actually left them because I know Kelvin wanted to talk to my brother alone. "I will see to the twins" I said stepping out.

Damola and Doyin were in the parlor watching their favorite DStv channel, Disney Junior, PJ mask was showing. Don't ask how I know the title.

"time to go to bed guys" I said grabbing the remote

"sis Tamilore please! Just this episode" Doyin pleaded giving a very strange puppy eyes

"please please please" Damola said rubbing his palms together. I laughed as I dropped back the remote control.

"thank you!"

"only this episode" I said

"yes sis!"

"good boys" I said as I left to see what Kelvin and Imisi were up to. I got to the kitchen and stopped at the door to listen to their conversation.

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