Chapter 8

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As my eyes were beginning to open, adrenaline rushed through me as my whole body ached. I looked around trying to figure out where I was. Last thing I remember was coming from night class and being stopped by a couple of guys and pulled into a car as I lost consciousness.

A woman who appeared to be in her late 40s came into the room, I dint realize it was a basement until she turned on the lights. I could have gone blind by the sudden intensity of the light rays burning into my eyes. Lying around were paper boxes, cartons filled with useless stuffs, dirty and dusty equipments and clothes which looked like they haven't been worn in years.

"welcome to my home dear" the woman said walking towards me. I raised my head up. And it hit me. Jomiloju's mom! You would tell because Jomiloju definitely had her face. They were a carbon copy of each other, no doubts he was the son of his mother. Maybe, just maybe that's why Kelvin could not bring himself to forgive Jomiloju because he had the face of his mother's murderer.

"Mrs Lawal?" I asked

"I don't think I bear that name anymore considering the fact that I am divorced"

"well, according to the family law of Nigeria, you can decide to retain you ex husband's name and even him has no right to stop you from using the name..." wait wait wait wait! Was I really quoting the law rn? Tamilore who cares about the law, this woman doesn't even care about the law and I am soon to be a dead meat

"oh really you still have the audacity to blab?"

"oh well, seeing what you've turned to, the law provides that you can be stopped from using the name where it paints the husband in a bad light and you are no where far from that" I said

She burst into laughter and safe to say her laughter wasn't exactly pleasing to the ears.

"tape her mouth" she ordered and suddenly I recognized the men, they were who pulled over in disguise of asking for my number. They were my kidnappers. One suddenly pulled a duct tape, cut it off with his teeth and plastered it to my mouth. That stinky son of a bitch!

"well my dear, I don't plan on using the name, neither do I plan on making you bear that name either"

I scrunched my eyebrows, struggling to make a sentence in my shut mouth

"I heard Kelvin is head over heels in love with you" she said and I dint give a reaction, waiting for her to explain

"you! Right here! You are my key to destroying that bastard, and you fell right into my trap when you posted the truth. No bastard shall inherit what my husband and I had worked for over the years, neither shall he even think of reproducing one"

I rolled my eyes. Of course it's the inheritance issue. It always is.

"did you just roll your eyes?" she asked and I dint say shit. It is not like I can exactly do that

"anyways, I called Kelvin, he should be here soon, I also invited Jomiloju to watch the two of you leave this world while I take him away with me"

I don't think this woman realizes I also have a connection with Jomiloju.

"untape her, she looks like she has sth to say" she said and they removed the tape. Fuck that stung!

"why would you want to end our lives? What did we ever do?"

"You existed" was all she said

That's when I saw it, the guns on the table behind her, a knife and a rope, the tape and extra bullets. My hearts was beating fast now. She was not joking.

"but why now?"

"because I failed to do it years ago"

"you know you'll have to go back to jail yh? If you do this, Jomiloju will be separated from you forever!"

"how do you know my son? How dare you call his name?" she said grabbing my chin aggressively, her fingers digging into my skin

"he is my bestfriend, you crazy woman and he's in love with me" I said shaking my head off her hand

"you are lying! You slut!" she said as her hands flew across my cheeks

"ahahan. You dint need to hit me!. Ask him when he gets here!" I said wincing in pain

"why would I bring up a dead person's name?"

"dead person?" oh, I said as it took me seconds to realize. The guys marched towards me

"have your way with her, do whatever with her" she said walking out the basement

Tears formed in my eyes. I knew I was about to relive my worst memory. The men approached me, one of them touched my arm, I began to cry, I was sobbing hard, begging.

"Tamilore, shhh its me"

I looked up immediately. I couldn't see his face well. He was wearing a mask, the only one wearing a mask actually. I noticed the eyes. It was Jomiloju. He had a black dot at the corner of his eyes. It was hard to miss.


"shhhh, the other two don't know it's me" he whispered

I nodded

"good girl"

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