Chapter 31

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After my dad's wedding, I left for school to defend my project. It went well for what's worth. I dint plan on staying in school for long. I intended to visit Jomiloju in Lagos. Jomiloju set his apartment up so nice.

"your apartment is sooo nice" I said as I walked in

"thanks... urmmm... how many days are you here for?" he asked

"ahnahn. Are you already sending me away? I just arrived and I asked if babe no dey come o" (if another girl wasn't showing up)

"no. not like that. I'm just asking mama"

"not for long. I just want to catch up with my bestie before going to law school"

"in Abuja right?"

"naaaa. I'm doing it here. And before you say anything, no we are forced to stay in hostel so"

"oh okay. Phew"

"ah! Shior. Nikini" (no translations available). "omooo I'm hungry o"

"my bad. Let me make you something quick"

"thank you.. and oh! You're definitely taking me on a Lagos tour for the 2 days I'm going to be here"

"oh. So you are here for two days" I heard him shout from the kitchen

"yes. And you dint tell me where I'm sleeping in. I need to unpack" I said as my phone rang. And a text from 'My Man' and I smiled.

Jomiloju snaked his arm around me to grab my luggage and I jumped in fear. I dint know when he had come back inside the sitting room.

"Kelvin right?" he said as my phone fell out of my hand.

"God! Jomiloju. Don't scare me like that!" I said picking up my phone.

"sorry sorry" he said as I looked at my phone. The screen had broken really bad

"ahah. Is your rug made of cement? How can it break so bad?" I said as I noticed the screen had started pouring ink

"we'd have that to fixed tomorrow" he said apologizing

"of course. If possible, this evening"

"naaaa. It's too late. Phone engineers would have gone home"

"I thought Lagos is usually busy at this time"

"not on the island"

"omo. Okay okay. Can I use your phone? Kelvin would be worried"

"sure." He said handing me his phone as he went back to the kitchen

"still same pass code?" I called out to him


I typed in his pass code and the home screen popped. Just then, Kelvin's call came in. I answered it immediately.

"hey man. Is Tamilore there yet? Her number was reachable until a few mins ago" he asked in a rush

"hi babe" I said smiling

"ADEBIYI TAMILORE OLABISI! Do you know how worried we were about you? What happened to your phone!!!!?" he sounded really panicked

"relax babe! I'm sorry. It fell from my hand so the screen is really bad. We'd get it fixed tomorrow. I'm sorry babe" I said to him "wait, did you just say 'we'?" I asked him

"yh I came to see dad quickly so I'm in your place. When he said he couldn't reach you too, we were all worried"

"ewe eeeee. I am fine ooo. Can you tell daddy that?"

"he prolly heard you already"

"I'm sorry daddy" I called over the phone.

"daddy 1 already left baby girl""oh Kelvin. Ewwww don't call him that" I said as we both laughed.

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