Chapter 17

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"you do the dishes and I will rinse. How's that?" Imisi asked

"perfect" I said smiling

"so I know you are not just here to wash plates with me, spill brah"

Smart ass.

"so my sister hun?" he asked as I dropped a plate for him to rinse

"yh, what about her?"

"so you like her hmm?"


"what?" Imisi shot daggers at me as I laughed

"relaxxxx. I do not just like your sister, I am in love with your sister"

"wow, that's more than I expected"

"thank you?" I said

"yh you can take that as a compliment" he said smiling

"so does that mean you approve us?" I asked

"definitely. I did not not approve. As long as my sister is happy and she likes you. Who am i?"

"thank you "

"cmon, have you seen the way she looks at you?"

"I am sure I look at her the same way, if not more"

"but are you sure you guys are not rushing anything?"

"well, on my part, Tamilore is someone who makes it hard not to fall for her, and with the uptight and hard to get girl she had on, it was even easier tor me to fall for her... what shocks me is how she actually has feelings for me too. Like me? Common I feel like I have gotten a star fall from the sky"

The way Imisi looked at me, his mouth open

"wow, yes you are definitely in love with her" he said nodding his heas

"I know. I want to keep it that way too" I said

We were done with the plates and suddenly arms wrapped around my torso. A head rested on my back. I knew who it was already as I smiled.

"now you are eavesdropping" I said turning to face her, her hands still locked on my torso.

"no I was passing by and I couldn't help but listen" she said smiling

"right right!" I said pecking her lips

"you two eh, ewww." Imisi said dropping the napkin and exited the kitchen

"you also don't make it hard to fall in love with you Kelvin, you know?"

"how so?"

"because you don't, I don't know, but one thing I am sure about is I have never felt this way and it baffles me myself but I do not want to lose what we have either" I said

"neither do I TamTam" I said and she looked up instantly

"TamTam? oh cmon! No no! I don't want that nickname"

"why? It's cute na" I said laughing

"oya leave me alone" she said struggling to get out of my arms

"sometimes you think you are strong abi?"

"why not?" she said and I lifted her and her legs wrapped around me. I laughed.

"look at you, you like this don't you?"

"should I hate it?" she said. She placed her hands on my face and brought my lips to hers and she took my lips in hers. This girl is always initiating our kisses. That would change this night when I properly ask her out. I gladly accepted her kiss.

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