Chapter 20

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Kelvin's POV

"Why did Kendra have to pop up this time?" I thought to myself. When Tamilore left without even saying anything;

I knew she definitely misunderstood. Kendra was my first love.

We dated but she stopped talking to me suddenly and I wonder why she is back now. Godddd this is sooooo badddddd.

"who was that?" Kendra asked

"none of your business Kendra" I said about to leave

"I just saw my boyfriend kiss another girl; how is that none of my business?"

"your boyfriend?" I paused, facing her. "I don't think you and I have that title anymore; last time I checked you cut me out of your life"

"well I'm back now" she said moving towards me. I took a step back.

"back where? Shey aye o ma se e?" I said in Yoruba language. (hope life is not playing tricks with you?)

"ah! Kelvin it is me o. The love of your life"

"rara! Ololufe ni." I said sarcastically. (no o. my love)

" I am not your boyfriend and you are not my girlfriend anymore; I have moved on past you; that girl you saw me kissing , that's my girl" I said to Kendra in all hopes that Tamilore had not taken her 'yes' back. "Bye Kendra" I said as I took to my heels .

I ran towards Tosa as I saw him entering the car. I opened the car door immediately.

"were you really going to leave me in a city I don't know?"

"we were actually waiting for you" Tamilore said without sparing me a glance.

"I will go get the blankets" Tosa said as he got down the car. Sure GUY!! I really needed this alone time with Tamilore, I need her to know Kendra meant nothing.

"Tamilore" I held her hands. Thank God, she dint take her hand away like I expected.

"first, I'm sorry" I said and she slowly turned to look at me. A tear escaped her eye. Fuck! I hate to see her cry; she immediately wiped it off as soon as it dropped.

"I swear Kendra means nothing to me anymore"

"anymore?" she asked

"Kendra was my first love" I said and paused; she was about to say something when I interrupted her "I know I know, I should have told you about her but I swear it skipped my mind; that's to show how I had forgotten about her since!!!!. Honestly she is nothing more than an irrelevant ex I hate"

Tamilore looked at me like she was searching my eyes for any sign that I could be lying to her.

"I swear Tamilore; she cut me off three years ago when we entered school and since then I have moved on. She is one of the reasons I dint become emotionally attached to girls, that is until you came" I said.

"you must have loved her that much"

"I did , yes, I'm not going to lie about that fact, but, the love I have for you is far greater than that I had for her." I said.

She sighed.

" I really hope you are not lying to me Kelvin"

"I would never do such. I love you TamTam"

She looked at me and smiled. She SMILED!

"I told you not to call me that big head"

She called me big head you guys! We are definitely fine.

"I love you Kelvin"

"I love you more Tamilore". And this time I kissed her first. And she gladly accepted it. I pulled back. "does that mean your 'yes' still stands?"

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