Chapter 6

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Kelvin's POV

I still did not know who had posted the real story behind my mum's death. Only my dad and brother had known. Everyone went from badmouthing me to slandering Jomiloju. I felt bad for him, but I couldn't bring myself to call him because I thought of the possibility that he could be the one who released the article on the school's portal. Both of us could not go to school until everything settled down. The press had even taken it. It was a big mess. Jomiloju's call came in at that moment. Why is he calling me? I thought. I silenced the call and flipped my phone. His call came in again and I did the same until I noticed he won't stop calling until I picked. I picked after the 5th ring.

"why are you blasting my phone you snitch?" I asked pissed off

"oh shut up man, hold it. I am not the one who released that article"

"so who did?"

"I have no idea too"

"so why are you calling me?"

"Tamilore has been kidnapped"

"what!?" I said getting up from my bed

"Ese called me"

"who is that supposed to be?"

"her roommate ah! She said they were on their way from night class and some guys pulled over to talk to them and they both thought they were just regular guys who wanted to ask them out until they carried Tamilore and pushed her inside the car and sped off"

"has she notified the securities?"

"she is too scared to"

"where is she?"

"who? Ese? She is in school, prolly too scared to walk out"

"not her, Tamilore" I said as I noticed a call coming in

"hold on . I am having a call from an unknown number" I said

"me too" he said and I placed him on hold and answered the call

"yes?" I asked

"if you are looking for Tamilore, you know where to find her" the female voice said and the call ended and it returned to Jomiloju's call

"your mother!"

"my mother!" we said at the same time

"you dint tell me she was out of prison"

"what is today's date?" he asked

"august 8?"

"fuck! She came out yesterday"

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