Chapter 5

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News do indeed spread like wild fire. In less than the hours Jomiloju and Kelvin (FKA Marshal) had their outburst, people had found out they were half brothers, some even went far as digging their family background and exposing the truth with their birth. They were put in the spotlight just like that, and I actually felt for both of them. They dint deserve to hate each other over the mistakes of their parents, if there are anyone to blame, it should be the parents for causing such animosity between their sons.

I was torn apart. I had comfort my bestfriend at the same time the guy I was beginning to like. It was already hard for both of them. I left few texts for them for Jomiloju just to show him how much I cared despite his rude and uncalled for attitude. I left tons of text for Kelvin and they were all one worded replies.

I was in my room when an unknown number call appeared on my screen. I picked it curious of who was using a private number to call me.


"hi, am I on to Tamilore"

"yes, this is her... who is asking?"

"hi, I am Honorable Lawal"

It dint click at first, then I jumped up from my bed, bowing down to air as if he could see me.

"good evening sir" I said almost going down on my knees. Jeez, it is a phone call Tamilore.

"good evening dear, I hope I dint call at a bad time"

"oh, not at all sir"

"alright, I will have my driver pick you up in 10"

"sir?" I said as he ended the call. Ahanhan, sorry o daddy but rude much? I thought to myself. Cos, eh! What juust happened? Wait did he say in 10? Ewe eeeee. I was rummaging through my wardrobe trying to figure out what to wear. I needed to make a first good impression so of course I care. Jomiloju has always spoke about how his father is sweet, but the man I just talked to on phine sounds far from that.


I arrived at the restaurant Hon. Lawal had asked the driver to drop me off. The driver was going to get the door for me but I beat him to it. "you really don't have to do that sir. Omo yin ni mo je sir" (I am the age of your child)

"thank you dear. Honorable is waiting for you inside."

I nodded and thanked him as I stepped inside the restaurant and it was oddly empty. I saw Jomiloju's dad in all white, he was backing me, he was on a native attire and his fila was giving. Yup, he was giving the proper Nigerian senator vibes and prolly sugar daddy material. Purrrrr. Okay TAMILORE HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, I thought to myself

"you are here" he said without turning back "have your seat".

I took my seat and it felt like I was about to shit my pants with the tension rising in the atmosphere. He finally turned back and he actually looked so young and he was fineeee. He took the seat in front of me. I looked around the restaurant confused as to why we were the only ones here.

"oh. I booked the place for the time we would be here" he said as if he knew what I was thinking

"you certainly do not want people having the wrong idea, I am a politician, a popular one at that and you're a young FEMALE student" he said and he was right. If people saw us together, the first thing that gets to their mind is he is my sugar daddy and I am his little fling. I definitely did not want to be seen like that either.

"I totally understand sir"

"do you want to have anything?" he asked signaling the waiter

"I'd just like to know why we're having this meeting sir, if you don't mind sir" I said and he raised his palm indicating the waiter not to bother

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