Chapter 7

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Kelvin's POV

We knew we had to go home. It was the best thing to do. Only our dad knows what to do in situation like this with Jomiloju's mom. What kept bothering me was why Tamilore? Why did she take her?

"Dad!" I shouted as we entered the front door.   

"do you think he's home?" Jomiloju asked

"he should be"

Our nanny, Ibidun walked right in, more like our mother since she practically raised us too.

"ibidun!" Jomiloju screamed, running to hug her. I smiled as I approached her.

"never in a thousand years did I think I had witness the day you both came home together."

"come on Ibidun" I laughed, hugging her

"your dad is in his small office"

"thank you ma" we said in unison

"are you staying over?" she asked pointing to our bags

"yes, at least for a few days"

"nice!" she said clapping and jumping in excitement. "I'd prepare your favorites immediately"

"thank you ma. See why I love you" Jomiloju said

"so na me no love her abi wetin?" I said (am I the one who doesn't love her then or what?)

"wo, you've mouth, speak for yourself" Jomiloju snapped back

"I love you too mama" I said and Jomiloju scoffed

"petty!" he whispered as he started walking towards our dad's small office

"I heard that you fool"

"it was meant for you to"

I walked after him ignoring his comment. His office door was closed as usual. He never left it open even as it was his own house.

"are you going to knock or should i?" I asked on getting to the door

"you are the elder, you do it"

I knocked and he answered immediately.

"Ibidun I told you I am busy"

We entered his office before he continued the statement. It still baffles me how there is a huge library in a supposed small office. Or why he would even build a compartment separately for his library when all he does is work on his laptop, on files and on paper and hardly does he read any of the books stacked up.

"Ibidun. How many times...." He stopped when he saw us

"Jomiloju!! Oluromade mi!!" my father stood up immediately. Yup, he still calls me my native name.

He came forward to hug us both.

"I am so happy to see you at home. I guess I and Tamilore's plan did work"

"plan? What plan?" I asked looking over to Jomiloju who was as surprised as I am

"wait, why are you here?" He asked

"what is the plan Daddy?" Jomiloju said raising his voice

"chill brother, you don't have to use that tone"


I and dad rolled our eyes at the same time

"grow up please" I said facing our dad

"if you would like to tell us please" I continued

"I was the one who told Tamilore to write and post the article about the true occurrence behind your mother's death Oluromade, I figured that you might have guessed it to two things, either I did or either Jomiloju did and one way or the other, both of you would realize it wasn't either of you and you'll come to me" he said

"now that's a sick plan dad." I said "what if we dint come?"

"you would have been curious and at least have asked me"

"all these just to talk to you?"

"there's more." My dad said

"we also asked to do something that would bring you two home, I told her to tell you that we were dating and in order for you to believe , we had actually taken a picture together"

"obara Jesus" Jomiloju exclaimed, laughing

"oh my days Dad"

"what? At least one of it worked"

"neither of the plans both of you executed are the reason we are here" Jomiloju said

"at least one may be, the releasing of the article part may have been traced to Tamilore's server" I said

"hmmmm true that" Jomiloju replied

"wait! What's going on? So if that's not why you are here, what brings you home?" my dad asked

"Tamilore was kidnapped" Jomiloju answered

"wait, what, hope you don't think I am the one who did?"

"why had we think so?" I asked

"cos I was the last person seen with her... have you informed the police?" he asked

"no we dint and that's because we and you know who did" I said as his eyes went wide


"yes, mom did"

"wait, how? She's supposed to be in prison"

"her release date was two days ago"

"fuck!" dad said and once again Jomiloju and I exchanged looks. Did our dad just swear?

"do you know where she is?"

"of course! Only one place" Jomiloju said

"your mother's old house!!"

I used to know Jomiloju's grandmom because he had always taken me there. She used to be so nice and sweet to me. Anytime we visit, she always spoilt us and would occasionally take us out and tell everyone we were her handsome grandsons. One notable thing I loved about her was how she dint care that I was not her blood, yet, she treated me like her own grandson because she loved me and because Jomiloju loved me. Man, some good old days.

"what do we do?" I asked

"get the police to meet us there ASAP" dad said

"We leave now?" I asked

"yes, why not?"


"meet me in the jeep in 5 while I get my boys ready"

"yes sir!"

"tell Kunle to get the cars ready" dad said as he exited the office. Kunle was my dad's oldest driver.

We exited the office

"You going somewhere?" Ibidun asked

"yes, we would be back soon, promise" I said

"okay, drive safe loves. It must be really important seeing as your dad is all worked up about it"

"we would stay safe and we would be back soon" I said hugging her, leaving the house as Jomiloju followed behind.

"am I the only one who thinks Ibidun and daddy have something"

"certainly not, but that's something to discuss for another day, our focus is on Tamilore getting out"

"and who said I was not focused?"

"not now Jomiloju"


"can you just stop whining for once? Jesu Kristi!!!" dad said coming to us

"get in the car jare, eyin olodo meji yii" (two dumbasses)

We got in the car and soon we were on our way to Jomiloju's mom old house, the house she grew up in. It was in the outskirt of Oyo, so it was a long ride.

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