Chapter 28

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Jomiloju and Kelvin had their convocation today. I just finished my first semester exams. Hon. Lawal arrived with convoys and loads of security. I cannot honestly blame him, election is fast approaching and in Nigeria, you have to be careful this period because of the usual known hatred from other electoral candidates and opponents; and from the result of the primary election, Hon. Lawal is leading with great number of votes. He had even sent Ibidun abroad for the time being till the primary elections are over. He believes she is safer there and also due to the fact that they are expecting. Yup, she is pregnant. I must say Hon. Lawal is sharp shooter. Lol.

The convocation hall was beautifully decorated. I was Kelvin's plus one and Jomiloju brought the girl from the wedding party. I got her name. She goes by Yewande. Cute name.

As usual, convocation lectures were given, boring as hell though, practically all the students were on their phone. One of the guest speakers had to call their attention from their phone and she dint stop talking about how youths these days were so obsessed with their phones throughout her lecture.

The program ended after four good hours and then people spread around the whole school. Different tents to different student across the whole school. We got to Kelvin's tent. He and Jomiloju had a bigger tent and they set theirs beside Jomiloju's faculty. They actually occupied the whole faculty. I would be exaggerating if I said practically almost the whole populace of students were under their tent, except that I wasn't exaggerating. Hon. Lawal had left after the program. He said he had stuffs to do.

Well, Kelvin(Marshal as the school student know him) is one of the most popular and recognized student in school. What shocked me is how he was the only student in his faculty to get a First Class. Jomiloju had a Second Class Upper and for his course that was actually outstanding.

Kelvin was in the midst of crowded people as he kept thanking them, bowing and handing them gifts bags which Ibidun prepared for them. Jomiloju was at the far end of the tent. I'd say hi later. I walked to Kelvin and as soon as he noticed my presence, he excused himself approaching me. He pulled me into a hug and I smiled. "I just left you for like five minutes" I said withdrawing from the hug.

"I missed you for those five minutes" he said pulling me in again and kissing me all over my face. One thing I've learned is Kelvin is a big diehard fan of PDAs.

"come let me introduce you to few of my friends. They are my gees." He said pulling me along with him

"I dint know you had friends"

"well we don't see or talk often but when we see we just catch up instantly. You get?"

"oh. Yes I do" I said as we walked up to group of guys, their hands occupied with red cups and we all know what they contained. I noticed Oba too.

They all looked like well fed grown ass matured men. I got a little nervous when I heard the details of their conversation. It was all business talks.

"guys, let me introduce to my future wife, Tamilore" he said calling their attention. Future wife? Okay Atta Girl.

One of them pulled me away from Kelvin, "it is finally good to meet the woman our friend here won't stop running his mouth about" he said to me and I smiled

'I am Benson, not Benisson, Benson" he said

"so you guys really are a thing now?" Oba said and smirked. I just smiled shaking my head and turned to Mr Benson-not-Benisson

"hi Benson" I said prolonging the name on purpose

And like that I got to meet all of them one by one. They were actually fun to be with. They teased Kelvin and I a lot and I was just laughing. They even told embarrassing stories of Kelvin back then in his young days. I was a bubble of excitement every time they did. They even had really embarrassing throwbacks and I was really laughing out loud. "you're so getting punished for laughing when we get home" he whispered in my ears during one of the moments we were all laughing. My body jerked up hearing that. "I can't wait daddy" I said to him and smiled returning my focus to the guys.

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