Chapter 11

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I woke up to the sound of machine beeping. Around the room sat my dad, Jomiloju's Dad with an elder woman.

"Tamilore!" I heard Kelvin shout

"my TAMILORE" my dad said as he took my hands in his

The memories of last night flooded in.

"Jomiloju, where is he?"

"dreamt of me in your sleep?" I heard Jomiloju say, as he appeared in sight

"Jomiloju! I thought you were shot" I said opening my arms for him

"no, the bullet hit Kenny...they have been taking into custody now"

"I am glad..." I paused "why am I here?"

"you fainted from the shock and we needed to treat the wound where the bullet grazed you" Kelvin said

"you could have lost your eye sight" my dad said

"daddy. I am sorry for making you worried"

"oh dear, worrying is the least of my issues, as long as you're okay"

To be honest, I was surprised my dad was here. He had always been distant ever since we lost my mom, and he had always use work as an excuse. I'd grown to live with the fact that my dad is prolly still healing from losing his beloved. And it hurt the most that the only time he had come to visit was because I almost died.

"how are my younger ones?"

"they are fine, they should be on their way right now. Imisioluwa is bringing them as we speak"

"you mean my brothers are here?" I said smiling. Imisi was my immediate brother and I had two other ones, twins actually, Adedamola and Adedoyin. My mom died after having them. Now I wish she stayed to at least see the notorious children she left for us to raise.

Imisi entered just in time.

"sister TamTam!" I heard the twins shout. I smiled as Kelvin walked up to me.

"I thought you were the only child?"

"I said I was the only daughter"

Kelvin shook his head.

"we have to go now, I have an electoral meeting coming up in an hour, as you know elections are coming soon" Hon. Lawal said getting up. I forgot he was there.

"thank you so much sir, for everything. At least our plan worked." I said smiling.

"how do you have a sense of humor rn?" Jomiloju asked shaking his head

I shrugged

"of course. Thank you for agreeing to do it, and I'm sorry you were put in danger for it"

"maybe try contacting the parent first before putting my child out there" my dad said

"I did contact you, you thought it was a prank call"

"oh, that was you? I thought it was a prank call, cos why is the future Governor elect calling a middle class worker like me" my dad said

"I understand and I am sorry for putting your daughter in harm's way"

"thank you. Let me walk you out" my dad offered

"take care dear" the woman who sat there all this while finally spoke

"oh, that's my nanny, the one who's like my mother" Jomiloju said

"oh. Good day ma. Thank you so much for visiting" I said bowing my head in respect

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