Chapter 9

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We arrived at Grandma's house. It looked so dead. Weeds had grown everywhere. The house looked like a haunted house from American horror movies. The front window was broken. The hell this house has turned into.

"whats the plan?" Jomiloju asked

"I have one"

Both my dad and Jomiloju turned to me surprised

"of course you have a plan"

"I did not hold your brain from thinking of one the whole ride" I said

My dad slapped his forehead with his palm, shaking his head. "Can you please just share this plan of yours?"

"it's simple. We know your mom works with just three guys, we take them down and get Tamilore out of there"

"Yh, Jerry, Kenny and Larry" Jomiloju said

"good, Dad stays back in the car and waits for the police while we and Dad's boys go for them. Please keep your phone on, you are on speed dial, likewise you Jomiloju, please store my contacts on yours for today so if anything happens, we contact each other immediately"

"it has always been" Jomiloju said and rolled his eyes

"oh okay"

My dad smiled.

"what if we are in a situation where we can't use phones?"

"fuck, I dint think about that"


"you shout then"


"I know I know. It's a rushed up plan, don't judge me please"

"I understand, it's not like we had enough time to make a good one" Jomiloju said as we both turned back to our dad

"oh now it's my fault?" dad asked as we gave him a judging look

"if you had not made Tamilore post that article she wouldn't have been tracked or be here in the first place" I said

"and if you had at least given us time to get a better plan before coming" Jomiloju added

"I don't trust your mother, every seconds is a ticking bomb, the only reason Tamilore is still alive is because you are not in there yet. Once you get in, you are both dead" my dad said

I swallowed my spit, yikes, this was bad. Who were we dealing with here?!!

"okay okay. Me and Jomiloju will go inside with the boys now. My plan is defeat security first...where dy think she is keeping Tamilore?" I asked facing Jomiloju

"the basement" Jomiloju and dad said in unison

"thought as much, we just need to get the basement then, pretend to be one of them and enter the basement"

"except you want to be either Jerry, Kenny or Larry" Dad answered

"why?" we asked

"Olubunmi isn't the type to let anybody enter anyhow, she's smart so I am sure she would put the three boys there only" Dad explained

"how do you even know these things?" I aksed

"I am a politician and she's the wife" that was all Dad said

"of course, shes not that stupid to leave clumsy guards with her captive. Got it" I said

"great, we'll deal with this" Jomiloju said

"why are the police not even here yet!?" Dad exclaimed

"let's get to it now. I put us on a conference call, you can have these airpods on for better communication" I said as I gave them the airpods I had gotten for the get two and get one free promo on Oraimo.

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