Chapter 47: Forge Ahead

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Third Person's P.O.V

One month later...

"I know what it's like to lose someone that means the world to you... and you feel that everything will not be the same. You feel like you are dead inside. And now you push yourself to try to live normally without that person but you can't help but sense that something is missing. It even gets in the way of your daily life and career."

Upon finishing his sentence, Kakashi Hatake spun around with his hands holding one another behind his back. His eyes were staring right at Ayuda whose gloomy gaze was cast to the tiles beneath them. A crow was already perched on top of her shoulder like a faithful companion.

His black beady eyes stared pointedly at Ayuda who obviously sensed his gaze but still refused to make eye contact with him. It's plain to see that she was guilty of something, although her body language showed that she was pretending to be indifferent.

Kakashi let out a soundless sigh and he began, "Two days ago, you were tasked with an A-rank mission, accompanied by several Chuunins. As a Tokubetsu Jounin, you led the team. The mission was a success, but the others were concerned and informed me of your behavior throughout the whole quest. Needless to say, you make me feel worried too."

The way Ayuda stood wasn't straight like how she was groomed to do. She spoke up with a demure voice, "Sorry..."

"Now, now. I'm not mad," said Kakashi, "I truly understand your situation. Me calling you here to talk with you personally isn't to reprimand you. You did well during the mission and no one was hurt. I am just concerned for your well-being."

She lifted her gaze to look back at him and said flatly, "I'm doing fine, sensei."

"I said the same thing long ago after losing all of my teammates in my squad," admitted the soon-to-be Sixth Hokage, "Even though I was clearly feeling dead at that time."

There was no response coming from the female archer as she cast her eyes back to the tiles beneath her. At that moment, a light breeze flew past her, inviting her dark locks to dance along in the air, as Kakashi surveyed the view before his very eye.

The two of them were situated atop the Hokage's building which was the tallest structure in the Hidden Leaf Village. Their location provided them with a breathtaking sight of the whole village from the top while they also managed to see the bustling streets, the brilliant sun, the blue sky, and the movement of the Leaf citizens. Kakashi Hatake was taking it all in while Ayuda did not bother to glimpse.

Intending to ease the awkwardness and tension in the air, Ayuda spoke up without shifting her eyes, "I will do my best next time."

"No," replied Kakashi almost instantly. He spun around and eyed the Tokubetsu Jounin who was famous for her astounding archery prowess. He continued, "For the time being, I would not be giving you any mission."

That sentence caused her to throw her wide eyes at him in shock. Her eyebrows were already furrowed deeply, revealing an expression of indignation and disbelief. Hearing that coming from the soon-to-be Sixth Hokage was like hearing a higher-up telling you that you are suspended from work or school. One foot of her moved a step forward as she voiced out, "But, I will be-"

"Now, now," said Kakashi with a lighter tone of voice as though he realized that he had talked to her with somewhat a cold voice. He also had one hand in the air with a patting motion like he was telepathically doing that to her. He told her, "First of all, I'm not mad. I believe it's my mistake to give you a mission while you are still mourning. Now, I'd like to do the right thing and give you time until you are alright. Once you are in tip-top condition, you may come and see me and I will give you any available quest."

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