Chapter 13: Short-Lived Rapture

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Warning: From this point onward, this story is now rated mature. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ayuda's P.O.V


A hand was thrust into my eyesight and I looked up to see Sasuke waiting for my response in front of me. His hand was not entirely empty; instead, there was a familiar cream-colored ointment clasped in his fingers. Expressionless look graced his charming features that seemed a bit intimidating due to the darkness that was bestowed upon this entire hideout. Despite the lack of light, we could still see one another as clear as day, thanks to several candles here and there.

The two of us were settling in his room at that moment, having finished our first training together and just arrived in this dark bedchamber. However, due to the offer I made just a moment ago, Sasuke had left again and locked the room with me inside as he went off and grabbed a certain belonging of mine. Once he returned, he straightaway made his way over to me and handed me the ointment, and now he's waiting for an expected reaction from me.

I gently took the object out of his loose grasp. Sasuke walked out of my view afterward and I, who had ensconced myself on his bed, lowered my arms onto my lap and stared at the ointment with a dull expression. I then rotated the lid around until it swirled open, revealing its content to my very eyes. The white cream inside it was still in the same condition as I last used it, signifying that no one had sneaked in and applied it onto themselves which was not surprising after all. This ointment was not really renowned throughout the ninja world despite its remarkable effect.

Faint rustling noise of fabric snapped me back to reality, bringing my eyes up to see what caused that sound. To my utter surprise, my innocent eyes were welcomed with the sight of Sasuke removing his white long-sleeved shirt nonchalantly and this made nearly all of my limbs jerked up in shock.

I was about to raise my voice and chide him and ask if he still had any sanity left for suddenly stripping before my eyes but I restrained myself immediately once I realized that all of this transpired because of me. I did tell him that I will heal his back by using this ointment... so if I am to be angry at anyone, it would be me.

My face cranked up about a million degrees as I took in his muscular physique. I tried hard not to get caught, though. I didn't want to be deemed as a pervert by him. So I ended up occasionally sneaking a peek to admire his eye-catching torso and then quickly looking away. This went on until he finally turned around and set his white shirt on the table, displaying his back to me.

I gasped in deep shock at the mere sight of blood trails slowly rolling down the left side of his back. Sasuke's attention was thrown to me once he heard my loud gasp. I disregarded the fact that he caught me staring at him as I spoke up with a deep frown, "Geez, how long have you been hiding that? We should get that healed up quickly. Now, sit down."

I scooted myself backward on Sasuke's bed, making some space in front of me and patted the said spot. The ravenette wordlessly came over and sat down with his back facing me and his legs dangling over the edge of the bed and his feet planted firmly on the floor.

I picked up the clean white towel and dipped it in the small basin which was filled with warm water. For your information, these items had been prepared by Sasuke in a short amount of time. I began to wipe the blood off of his skin gently and carefully to avoid hurting him any further.

I don't know if it's the warm water or something else but his back feels comfortably warm...

Once I had cleaned up nearly all of the blood, I started to analyze his wound. Just as I expected, the last opponent we had during our last training burnt him up pretty badly with his Kekkei Genkai. The burns were so critical that it oozed blood out of his pores. This baffled me a bit because Sasuke was shielding us both with his left wing which means that wing was the only part of him that was burnt severely.

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