Chapter 17: Stay With Me

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Ayuda's P.O.V


All four of us were walking over the ocean water, heading for the nearest land, when Karin tapped me on the shoulder. Once I paid my attention to her, she looked me up and down and asked me with a haughty air surrounding her, "What's your name again?"

I braced myself for what was about to come and answered in a monotone voice, "It's Ayuda."

"Hmph," the redhead paused to glance at the boys who were walking ahead of us. She then turned to me and lowered her voice so only I could hear her, "Listen. If I tell you or Sasuke that I want to talk with him alone, you need to get away from him and out of there right away. Don't dilly-dally for too long like what you did just now. Got it? You're just wasting my time, honestly."

I swallowed a huge lump down my throat as I tried to calm my wrath down. I immediately thought hard in coming up with various answers that could either kill this woman verbally, or make her cry with my harsh words, or make her beg for mercy with my endless profanities or others. But then one idea stood out the most.

Without further ado, I spun my head to the side, stretching my neck in the process, and drawled, "Whatever."

Just like I wanted, Karin's crimson orbs caught sight of my hickeys coming out to plain view from under my high collar. She gasped in horror and utter shock and then she shrieked all the while she pointed a finger at my neck, "What are those?!"


I brought my wide eyes back to her with feigned innocence. After giving her accusing finger a quick glance, I threw my hands to my neck, pretending as if I didn't deliberately reveal these bruise-like marks to her. I barely restrained my triumphant smirk while I was acting like I was speechless, "Um..."

Sasuke and Suigetsu instantly stopped dead in their tracks and looked at us curiously. Once Suigetsu realized what was happening, he roared with laughter and hit his stomach in the process. Karin shot him a confused glare and barked, "What are you laughing at?!"

The Uchiha merely watched us from the sidelines with a blank yet solemn face as though he was not the culprit to these love bites around my neck. Suigetsu gasped for air as he answered the agitated Karin, "Oh, nothing!"

The female redhead turned to me and gave my neck a long, judgmental stare. That's when an eerie smirk curved on her lips. She derided, "I didn't know you are this kind of girl. Giving yourself to some men so easily, huh?"

I narrowed my eyes at this witch menacingly. I retorted, "Oh, please, you don't know a thing about me. You don't know the whole story. I am very sure I am way more 'cleaner' than you and I still could seduce man better than you."

"Hmph!" challenged Karin, "You're so full of yourself! You certainly enticed a wrong and cheap dude to get those ugly marks!"

Suigetsu choked on his spit while I snorted at her words. The actual creator of these hickeys still put on a poker face as if he did not hear her insult about himself. I smirked arrogantly at her, "Oh you are so going to regret those words once you know who made them."

Karin furrowed her brows, "What? Do I know him?"

Suigetsu chimed in, "He is here with us."

The overcritical look Karin threw at the white-haired boy was as plain as day. She turned her attention back to me and smirked, "Wow, you and Suigetsu got hooked up, huh? A stinky person with a two-faced hag. What an amazing pair!"

My eyebrow twitched in anger but I quickly kept it down. It was at this moment that I was fully certain that I would tell her who created these marks without hiding anything about it. Suigetsu felt visibly irked by what Karin said and he was about to taunt but I beat him to it by saying, "It's not him."

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