Chapter 31: Cold-Hearted

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Third Person's P.O.V

The fierce battle between Danzo and Sasuke had been raging for quite a while with only two spectators (Karin and Madara) witnessing the phenomenal fight.

By now, Sasuke and Danzo were stabbed by each other's Chidori Sharp Spear and Wind Release: Vacuum Blade respectively. Danzo remarked that Sasuke was foolish to think he could win and the former then attempted to use his Izanagi to reverse his injuries.

However, to his shock, he was unable to use it and noticed that all ten Sharingan eyes on his right arm had been sealed shut. Madara realized that Sasuke had been using genjutsu to subtly make Danzo believed that his Izanagi time had slightly increased; thus, Danzo used what he believed were just eight out of the ten eyes when in reality he had exhausted all of them.

Other than that, it turned out that Danzo's Vacuum Blade did not truly stab Sasuke for it only slipped in between the young Uchiha's arm and his midriff while Sasuke's Chidori Spear did pierce Danzo's abdomen. Due to the fact that Sasuke had fooled him into thinking that he had one last Izanagi when, in fact, he had none, the Sixth Hokage was unable to heal the injuries then.

After pulling himself away from the Chidori Sharp Spear, Danzo fell to his arms and knees and stayed there, taking that time to pant loudly and to try to withstand the pain of his wounds. Sasuke then tumbled down as well as his extreme exhaustion seeped in, resulting in him falling to his butt carelessly. Karin immediately rushed over to his side and offered him her left arm where permanent bite marks littered her whole forearm.

Once Sasuke bit her forearm, Karin let out an overdramatic moan which no one in the vicinity cared at all. This ability called Heal Bite is able to heal even life-threatening injuries and is also capable of quickly restoring the stamina of those healed. This technique, however, rapidly depletes the user's own chakra reserves, and leaves them with a permanent bite mark every time one uses it.

It was then Danzo's right shoulder began to grow uncontrollably. As a tree began to emerge, Danzo hastily sliced off his right arm completely while Madara theorized that Danzo was unable to suppress Senju Hashirama's cells or control the Wood Release with his chakra levels being so low.

Sasuke then pulled away and rose to his feet once he fully regained his stamina and had his injuries healed by Karin's Heal Bite. Danzo then removed the bandages around his head to reveal another Sharingan eye in his right eye socket which Madara recognized as Shisui Uchiha's, the one capable of using Kotoamatsukami.

Seeing that Danzo had not been killed yet, Sasuke charged headlong at him with Chidori enveloping his left hand. To his surprise, Danzo then dashed away, veering to another direction before he sprinted towards the unmoving Karin and held her hostage, using her as a human shield.

'Now then, Sasuke,' mused the entertained Madara who viewed everything from a considerable distance, 'What will you do?'

The young Uchiha, now standing on Danzo's previous spot, still had his Chidori activated and he told Danzo, "Isn't it ironic that you, who glorified self-sacrifice, would take a hostage?"

"It's not that I consider my life precious," claimed the Sixth Hokage as he easily ignored the weak pounding of Karin's fists against his arm that held her neck tightly and threateningly, "But for the sake of Hidden Leaf Village... for the ninja world... I cannot afford to die here. No matter what the means, I must survive. For I will be the one reformer who will change this ninja world. This woman will be sacrificed for that cause."

Sasuke frowned deeply and he snarled after tilting his head down, concealing his eyes under the shadow, "To think that you also did this to Ayuda for your silly delusions... How dare you..."

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