Chapter 24: The Losses

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Ayuda's P.O.V

All of us rushed our ways to wherever that Reina was leading us to which was actually the Uchiha hideout, the place where Itachi and Sasuke would meet up and have their fight there. Although I was extremely puzzled to how she knew where the Uchiha hideout was, I simply surmised that she was informed of this by Itachi before our reunion.

Matching the pace of my sister alongside her was the teacher and the squad leader of my Team 5, Shiori-sensei. After taking a quick glance over my shoulder, I finally realized that Kaito and Kazuki were right behind me. It was at this moment I figured out that my entire squad members were behaving like my strict bodyguards and were guarding me against any potential risk of me being abducted again.

They have become paranoid to that extent, let me tell you.

"Are we still quite far away from there, Reina?" I heard Shiori ask my big sister.

"Not really," answered Reina without moving her eyes off of the front, "The hideout is just up ahead so we would arrive there soon enough."

"Alright!" exclaimed Naruto eagerly as he zoomed past Reina and Shiori to suddenly lead us all in the very front, "We're very close now, everyone! Let's pick up our pace! We will reach there in no time!"

That was when Hinata – whose Byakugan was activated the whole time – called out to him with palpable concern for the hasty blond boy, "Wait, Naruto-kun! This chakra...!"

Before any of us could question her or stop Naruto from advancing further, a black figure appeared out of nowhere, standing on a sturdy tree branch right in front of the hasty blond boy. A childish boy's voice greeted us, "Howdy!"

"What the-?!"

Naruto stuttered his words for he was so deeply shocked that he ended up toppling over to the ground. The rest of us immediately halted and landed around him while the newcomer briefly laughed at Naruto's fall. The man then spoke with his oddly childish voice, "Well now... how's it going there, there, and there? Imagine running into the Hidden Leaf in a place like this... I mean... it's two, four, six... thirteen against one. Such bad timing."

I was taken aback when I fully recognized who this childish grown man was. It was Deidara's partner when they ambushed me and Sasuke while we were waiting for the rest of Team Hebi members. I lowly gasped, "You are..."

"Oh?" the masked man shifted his full heed onto me, "Oh! You are that... uh... the girl who attacks with arrows! Yeah, yeah, yeah! I remember you! It's good to see you again! It's a pity that you got separated from Sasuke! You two seemed like a great couple, after all!"

I instantly put on a deadpan expression while I ignored the questioning looks from some of my peers.

"Ayuda, you know this weirdo?" asked Kazuki with his crimson eyes glued on the Akatsuki member.

I nodded my head as I successfully prevented blushes from emerging on my cheeks, "Sasuke and I had fought him and Deidara before."

"I see..." the brown-haired Jounin whose name was Yamato then pointed out, "Then he is without a doubt an Akatsuki member."

Kakashi added, "Though he wasn't on the list that Kabuto left us."

The masked man who was called Tobi laughed lightheartedly, "Oh, I'm a newbie. Nice to meet you!"

Kiba scoffed, "Hah! Think you're funny?! Don't waste our time!"

"Don't be rash," said Kakashi, "Study the situation first. Right now, we have him outnumbered."

"Oh dear..." said Tobi who seemed like he wasn't at all concerned that he was indeed outnumbered by us, "Am I being underestimated? By you guys?"

My frown deepened as I started to mull over this Tobi guy's motive for delaying us in our pursuit. It was clear as day that he intended to prevent us from reaching our destination with a solid reason. Could it be that Itachi asked him to do this?

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