Chapter 12: Long-Lost Compassion

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Sasuke and Ayuda met up with Orochimaru and Kabuto and, after a brief talk, the first two proceeded with their training. Everything went well until one opponent stood out the most due to how challenging it was to vanquish him due to the fact that he also possessed the curse mark similar to Kimimaro. Sasuke and Ayuda strived to get a finishing blow on him as a way to show that they are better than the other and this sparked off their forgotten rivalry that was thought to have vanished after several years of not seeing one another. However, that was not the only thing that returned as shown when their last powerful enemy unleashed a devastating technique, the two displayed their long-lost compassionate for each other. Meanwhile, a formal letter was sent from the Leaf Village to the Sand Village.


[The next days...]

Ayuda's P.O.V

I sat upright on Sasuke's bed with my back leaning against the wall. I was a tad thankful that Sasuke only shackled one of my hands with the chakra-absorbing handcuffs and left the other limb free. The reason why was because he wanted me to save some chakra but also wanted it to be below fifty percent to prevent me from using any big skill that could potentially help me escape this place. For your information, using one handcuff consumed your chakra at a snail's pace, making it a bit difficult for my chakra to regenerate and this eventuated in my chakra staying around forty-five percent.

I crossed my arms over my chest and emitted a noiseless sigh. Sasuke was currently away and minding his own mysterious business. However, he apprised me that when he got back later, he would bring me to their training room where he and Orochimaru would observe me and my capabilities.

And here I am, waiting for him to show up.

Out of boredom, I then recalled those few moments where all I did was lying in Sasuke's rightful bed all day due to my fever yesterday. However, thanks to Orochimaru's hand-made medicine, I am now in tip-top condition, healthy enough to engage in a combat. I am still wondering whether I should thank that bastard or not if I meet him in the near future, though. He is still my enemy and someone who has ruined not only my life but also other people's lives.

Putting that aside, I looked down to admire my current bodily appearance. Unlike these past few days, I, at that moment, was wearing my usual ninja outfit which mostly colored in black and white. Sasuke apprised me that same morning that this outfit had been washed and that I could wear it that day so I decided to put it on for the training session. I'd never felt so comfortable battling in that outfit after all.

I couldn't help but feel nervous. It was like I was waiting for a dreadful exam to start. Plus, I was bewildered why Orochimaru and Sasuke suddenly wanted to see what I was capable of. Do they have some wicked plans for me in the future? Will they brainwash me and turn me to fight against my own comrades?

Oh yeah. Now that I mention it, I wonder what they are doing right now... Kaito, Kazuki, Shiori, and the others...

It felt like months that I had not heard about them when in actuality it's actually been almost a week. I knew that they were worried sick of me but I could not help but feel disappointed since I still hadn't heard anything such as a rescue team for me. Do they have to take such a long time to save me? Or could it be that it is hard to find the location of this hideout even with Kaito's ability to interact with animals?

I once again gave out a sigh. Well, no matter what, I have faith in them that they are trying their best to save me.

It took approximately ten minutes for Sasuke to return. When he came in, he left the door open behind him and straightaway unshackled me. He then simply said "let's go" and so we departed with him leading the way.

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