Chapter 07: Mystery

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Third Person's P.O.V


"Good afternoon, you three! My name is Shiori Nanami and I will be the one who will take care of you three as the group leader from now on! As you all know by now, you three are selected to be in your first squad called Team 5! Alright! Let's skip all of those useless words and tell me about yourselves! Who wants to go first?"

"Me!" the two boys yelled as their hands shot up in the air at the same time. This caused the two of them to glance at each other and glared competitively.

Shiori sweatdropped, 'It's just the first day and there is some competition going on already.'

The tomboyish female Jounin spoke up, darting her eyes over the two boys back and forth, "Alright. How about... you, the boy with brown hair? You go first."

The brown-haired boy with green eyes began with a large grin, "My name is Kaito Asuhara and I'm 12 years old!"

The other boy with blond hair suddenly chuckled, interjecting the brunet's cheery speech, and spoke, "You don't have to state your age. The three of us are 12 and I bet Shiori-sensei knew it already."

"Hush!" warned Shiori to the blond boy. She then regarded Kaito with a warm smile, "Go on, Kaito. Why don't you tell us about your family, your dream, and anything else you want us to know."

"Hmm..." informed Kaito with an obvious lighthearted mood, "...I am living with my grandmother right now. About my dream... I don't know. I haven't thought much about it. And... I can communicate with animals!"

Shiori's eyes widened in confusion and astonishment and she repeated, "Communicate with animals?"

Before Kaito could elucidate much about it, the blond boy beat him to it, "Yes, it's true. He once spoke with lost kittens and reunited them back with their mother. He is not related with Inuzuka Clan or clans that are similar like that but he can still interact with various animals."

Shiori was in awe, "That's amazing! That means you were born with such priceless gift! There has never been anyone that has such ability without being related with the Inuzuka Clan."

Kaito's face flushed crimson upon listening to his teacher's praise.

"Alright, next," Shiori sent an amiable look at the blond boy who was sitting nonchalantly next to Kaito.

The said boy cleared his throat before he spoke, "My name is Kazuki Takeda. My parents work as two of the many highest-ranking workers that deal with the village's economy. I am the first and only child in the family. My favorite food is matsutake mushroom and my hobby is coin collecting. And my goal is to take over my parent's economy business with success."

The rest could only sweatdrop upon listening to that part about his favorite food. Matsutake mushroom that day was a highly sought-after mushroom and usually had such an expensive price tag lain next to a basket full of the same mushroom. It was no surprise that people who are not rich had never or rarely ate the pricey mushroom. So when they found out that it was Kazuki's favorite food, they were shocked and in awe, but soon they decided to brush it off for he was a wealthy boy that could probably buy all the items in the world.

"Interesting," remarked Shiori, "you may sit down, Kazuki. And... lastly..."

Her eyes flitted to the girl who remained silent ever since they started the self-introduction session. It was like she did not want to attract as much attention as she could. The tightlipped girl was blessed with hair as dark as night and a pair of bright purple eyes. Her face was as expressionless as a statue, though Shiori could tell that she was hiding a blushing, anxious face beneath that mask.

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