Chapter 02: Homecoming

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Third Person's P.O.V

"Hey, look at this! It's a special okonomiyaki cuisine at a cheap price! Kazuki, buy this for me, please?!"

"Cheap price? Let me see it. Wha-?! This is not a cheap price at all! Choose something else!"

"What are you talking about?! The okonomiyaki meals in other restaurants are a lot expensive than this one, so just buy it now before the special discount runs out!"

"Shut up! I am not going to buy this for you, cheaper or not! Plus, don't you have a lot of money now, Kaito?! I mean, you have completed a lot of missions more than me! Your animal communication skills are what make you totally needed by a lot of Jounins and ANBUs!"

"But I am still the poorest boy here. You and Ayuda are way, way, way richer than me. And aren't you the next in line to your family's business?! You are a lot richer than I am, Kazuki!"

"Hahaha! I don't know why but I feel delighted to hear you stating the fact that I am the heir! Say that again, Kaito! Or why don't you scream it out right now? Let the entire restaurant hear you! It would make me feel very happy! Hahahaha!"

"Oh god... now he's being overly proud of his title. He is kind of narcissistic, don't you think, Ayuda-chan?"

The dark-haired girl next to him lifted her gaze from the menu and looked at him. Her smooth, long black hair moved noiselessly across her slender back, following along with the head movement. Her face had matured in a very noticeable way, enriching her looks into an exquisite maiden. However, only a few men dared to woo her for her face was as solemn as steel, radiating a vibe of an uncommunicative person that would give you the cold shoulder in an instant. Her hair had extended to the middle part of her back (unlike before when she had her hair reach her upper back) and her bangs now covered nearly all of her forehead. She had grown taller and curvier than before.

She matured like a lily in bloom.

Her purple eyes softened and the corners of her mouth lifted into a tiny smirk with a warm vibe and replied with a new, matured voice which had gotten a little deeper, "Just let him have his moment. Someone like him is normally proud and elated for achieving such title."

"Hmm... I think you are right, Ayuda-chan..." the brown-haired boy heaved a sigh. But as soon as one idea struck him, his emerald eyes flitted back to his beloved female teammate and inquired, "But... aren't you supposed to be the next in line too? Or is it Reina-san who got it?"

Ayuda cast her eyes to the menu in her hand and answered with a weak smile, "Our parents still haven't made the decision yet. But I want Reina-oneesan to have the title. She deserves it."

Kaito and Kazuki – who just snapped out of his wonderful reverie – fell into silence afterward. Their eyes fixed on Ayuda the entire time she studied the menu. They were privately wary of her decision. Nearly everyone knew that once you got elected to be the heir of a well-liked business, you would have to marry a man with high status or a man who is chosen by parents to avoid smearing the family's reputation in filth. Since the boy she was besotted with had deserted the village and possessed the title 'missing-nin', it is indubitable that wedding him would be impossible if she wears the honorable title.

The two boys exchanged glances before they returned to their own businesses. Despite the doubts in their hearts, they believed Ayuda had moved on from him. It had been more than two years and her feelings for him had faded away. The passing years, his absence and the distance were what made her move on. Everyone was clueless to how he was doing and if he was still alive, especially her. Every day, every month, every year, her feelings for that boy slowly dwindled and disappeared like shapes breathed on a mirror and melting away.

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