Chapter 22: Hero

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Third Person's P.O.V

"There's no mistaking it!" proclaimed Kiba who was leading the rest of his Konoha shinobis towards the direction of the scent of both Sasuke and Ayuda, "It's this way! Judging by their scent, he's not currently on the move. They must be resting."

Kakashi remarked, "Then this is our chance."

Kazuki and Kaito exchanged knowing glances. Both of them conveyed their feelings of surprise and relief at the fact that they now had a big chance to rescue their dearest female teammate.

'Ayuda, we will save you this time! Please wait just a little bit longer!' mused Kaito with determination flashing in his green eyes.


Ayuda's P.O.V

Sasuke awakened after ten minutes of sleep. It surprised me that he awakened quite early than we expected especially after fighting that powerful Akatsuki blond member and using up all of his chakra. I found it amusing how he scanned his surrounding with his eyes wildly, searching high and low for a certain thing. Once his gaze landed on me, he visibly relaxed, obviously feeling relieved that I was still there with him even after his nap which actually granted me an opportunity to escape. But judging from the situation now, the fact that I was here with them was the absolute evidence that I purposely did not take that chance.

The rest of us persuaded him to sleep a little longer since sleeping was always the preferred medicine to recuperate. But then he claimed that he could feel himself recovering at a fast pace and for that, we let it go.

Sasuke ordered Karin to buy some supplies and clothes for me and him since our attires were too worn out such as having cuts on several areas on our outfit, and they were dirty as well with dust after the battle with Deidara and also after the explosion. Karin begrudgingly obeyed, muttering angrily about how Sasuke was being too bossy when he was in such sorry state.

Jugo was sitting by the open window which allowed birds to come through and settle on his shoulders while Suigetsu was leaning his back against the wall, closing his eyes as though he was taking a quick nap. I was sitting on my futon next to Sasuke who was lying down in his. While inspecting the tracker bracelet around my wrist, the ravenette spoke up to me out of the blue, "Ayuda... is it true that you are staying with me on your own will this time?"

Suigetsu and Jugo were startled to hear this as they shot their eyes at us two in an instant. I dropped my arm to my lap and started to stare into space. Sasuke's onyx eyes burned a hole on the side of my head, awaiting my answer which he needed that moment.

I produced a tiny sigh, "That's true... but on one condition, though."

"What is it?" asked Sasuke without further ado as if he was impatient to fulfill that condition in order to have me stay with him willingly for who knows how long.

I gulped down air down my throat as I told him, "You must allow me to go back to the village whenever I feel like it."

Sasuke looked away, staring at the ceiling blankly, "That's not possible."

"What?" I nearly hissed while this time I finally darted a stare at him.

"Once you return to that village, they will forbid you to leave and see me again, or they will change your mind and cajole you to leave me," elucidated the ravenette, "They will probably lock you up, especially your overprotective sister. Or maybe they will allow you to return to me but this time they are using you to haul me back to the village forcefully. If that happens, then you will be betraying me as well."

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