Chapter 41: Go Back To How It Was

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Regarding the YouTube video that is attached to this chapter, I advise you to listen to it after reading the whole chapter. And a huge warning. Lower your volume as it is very loud and sudden.

A user in Quotev named WhiteFlame07 drew Ayuda as shown in the picture attached in this chapter and I have to admit it's gorgeous! She's a fantastic artist! Thank you very much!

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A user in Quotev named WhiteFlame07 drew Ayuda as shown in the picture attached in this chapter and I have to admit it's gorgeous! She's a fantastic artist! Thank you very much!


Before the story commences, I would like to address something.

In the last chapter, someone left comments like "The writer discontinued this story, like any other author in any online story website" and I replied like "No I don't plan to discontinue" and then a few weeks after that, the same person left another comment "Take down this story!!! It's not funny getting our hopes up!".

I couldn't help but feel remorseful... and insulted.

To whoever reads this, if I do get your hopes up like 'Okay she will update today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow', then I am sorry. Truly, I am. I am completely sorry for taking a long hiatus that someone even commented if I'm dead in the last chapter. Nevertheless, I will try to be a faster writer and push myself a bit hard from now on.

However, is it necessary to add that 'Take down this story!!!'? To me, as someone who writes this story for years, that is rude.

P.S: I will finish this story and make it to Boruto if it's the last thing I'll do.


Ayuda's P.O.V

I was resting my back against the bark of the tree, waiting anxiously for my older sister who had requested for me to leave her and Itachi alone. Anxiety was all I felt at that moment for I deduced that Reina took that time to confess her feelings to Itachi.

Why now? I don't know. But it's probably because of the war occurring right now. Maybe she is worried that she couldn't make it out alive after the war and decides to tell him her feelings? Or maybe it's because she knows she will survive and decides to take her chance now? Or maybe she is just impatient and feels suffocated the longer she doesn't know about Itachi's feelings? All of them make sense. And then what will happen if Itachi accepts or rejects her? Now that's another problem to worry about. If he rejects her, then she would feel all sad throughout the whole war. Wouldn't that badly affect her performance?

I ended up sighing in mild frustration and muttered, "Geez, sis, what are you thinking?"

"Hm? What am I thinking?"

I briefly made an inhuman noise upon hearing the voice of my older sister right next to me. I flung my gaze to the side and finally realized that she was standing right beside me, looking as if she just arrived. She was blinking her eyes at me repeatedly in perplexity. I wasted no time to sate my raging curiosity by asking her straightaway, "So how was it? Your confession?"

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