Chapter 37: His Answer

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Third Person's P.O.V

"Itachi, when is your birthday?"

Itachi Uchiha remained silent for a moment, obviously feeling bewildered at Reina who just inquired such question. He simply replied, "It's June 9th. Why do you ask?"

'It is now in the early of October,' she mused.

Reina sighed in disappointment before shaking her head saying, "I'm just hoping that your birthday is somewhat near but never mind. I am giving you all of these."

The man with his eyes bandaged tight looked into a crow's point of view and saw a lot of small boxes being placed neatly in one corner of his room.

Reina had just returned to Iwane's small house in the wood and brought along many concealed boxes with her. She carried all of them straight into Itachi's bedroom, much to the great confusion of both Iwane and Itachi. It was after that she asked the latter about his birthday.

"What is inside the boxes?" inquired Itachi as he manipulated a crow to inch closer to the closest box.

The brown-eyed lady sat down beside the aforementioned crow and uncovered the box. Once it was totally exposed to view, she nervously displayed it to him through the crow's eyes. It was a tiny glass container filled to the brim by clear water and a pair of black eyeballs. This elicited an inaudible gasp from Itachi the moment he saw it.

Itachi was in great disbelief, "Reina, this is..."

Reina instantly interjected before the man could get any wrong idea, "I bought all of these from the black market. They are all yours now. You could implant a pair as yours."

The older Uchiha shook his head in disapproval, "Reina, I cannot take them. I killed them and it's inappropriate for me to keep them..."

The dark-haired lady tried to reason with him, "Itachi, listen. If it is anyone else, it would be you who is perfect in keeping them. Sasuke goes cuckoo and Madara is out of the question. Keep them."

"Reina, why do you do this?" the black-haired male queried in a quiet tone. In his opinion, he deemed the idea of her buying and giving all of these to him was quite unnecessary and unneeded.

The older sister of Ayuda simply let out a sigh with a pair of downcast eyes. Without looking at him or even the crow that was situated beside her, she gave him an honest answer with a soft voice, "I want you to live your life to the fullest from now on."

Her reply seemed to render Itachi stunned for he became quiet afterward. He merely controlled the crow to look at her face with those big black orbs. No sound accompanied them in the room. It was not raining at all at that time. In fact, it was a hot, sunny day but he asked why in his mind. Why is he getting goosebumps the moment he heard Reina's response?

No one expressed their care or concern for him at all after the Uchiha massacre. Everyone, including Kisame Hoshigaki, fully believed that he was strong and capable of taking care of himself. Other than that, everyone outside of the barbaric organization stayed away from him as though he possessed this permanent murderer's vibe after what he did to his entire clan. No one cared if he was living his life to the fullest at all because why would they? He is a murderer with no future, after all.

So to see and hear Reina do something he had never once felt for such a long time, despite the fact that he was a killer, rendered him in awe. The only thing he could think of in his head was: Why?

Reina scratched the back of her head and added, "Of course, you can decide if you want to transplant them as yours, though. I'm not pressuring you. But in my opinion, you don't have to hold onto the past anymore. You are no longer a killer. You left the Akatsuki. You are now here. Don't punish yourself any longer."

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