Chapter 15: Our History Together

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Ayuda's P.O.V

"What do you intend to do?" asked Sasuke to our new traveling companion.

"I'm gonna search for it, obviously," replied Suigetsu.

The three of us were now at the Land of Waves where Sasuke stated that this was where he and the rest of Team 7 last fought Zabuza Momochi guy here. Once we arrived there, I was astounded to discover that a certain bridge at that place was named the Great Naruto Bridge. Even Sasuke gave it a long and silent stare before he brought us into the town. It seems like Naruto did something admirable to have a bridge named after him.

Sasuke led us to two graves located on top of a cliff. The ravenette claimed that Zabuza's blade – the weapon that Suigetsu was searching high and low right now – was supposed to be there along with its deceased owner. But when we got there, it was nowhere to be seen. After that, the three of us went back to the town to figure out what to do next.

I spoke up politely, "Sorry, Suigetsu, but why are you so adamant about finding this sword?"

Suigetsu gladly threw light on this matter, "For generations, the Seven Great Shinobi Swordsmen had a system where they passed down their swords. I admired those seven and was trained by them. So now that Zabuza-senpai is gone, that Executioner's Blade belongs to me."

That's when an impudent man marched in between Sasuke and Suigetsu, bumping the latter's shoulder rather roughly in the process. He barked at my white-haired companion as he was walking away, "Where the hell are you looking while walking? You retarded asshole."

Suigetsu pointed an accusing finger at the rude man and was about to fume when Sasuke suddenly clasped his wrist down, wordlessly telling him to ignore the impertinent man. However, the ill-mannered dude tramped towards us again for some reason and snarled at Sasuke, "Hey, hey! You got a problem with me, bud-"

Sasuke merely moved his head a bit to give a death stare at the man. That alone already made the impudent man to walk backward in undisguised fear and oddly said his last line but in reverse, "Dub, em htiw melborp a tog ouy..."

I sweatdropped as my mouth formed an amused and incredulous grin. Sasuke scared the bejesus out of him, apparently...

"Tch!" the uncivil man cast one last glare at us before he stormed off. I thought that was the end of it but then I heard him swear under his breath, "Retarded asshole, idiotic asshole, moronic asshole, dumbass!"

Suigetsu smirked, "You're quite the kind guy, Sasuke. So how are you gonna make up for hindering my revenge there?"

Sasuke released Suigetsu's wrist and then led us as usual, "Follow me."



My eye twitched in agitation and incredulity upon hearing the waitresses in this restaurant moan in awe at Sasuke. They all stopped in whatever they were doing when they laid eyes on the good-looking Uchiha. What made this amusing, however, was that Sasuke never even cast them a glance ever since we entered this shop.

Suigetsu chose a table first while Sasuke and I went after him. Once our white-haired companion sat down, I took the seat across from him and then the Uchiha sat next to me. We could hear the waitresses bickered with each other over who would take the order from us. When one waitress came over, her eyes were only glued to Sasuke who did not even look at her the whole time. And the lady didn't seem to mind... or maybe she didn't notice.

The generous Sasuke told me and Suigetsu to buy anything we wanted since he would pay for everything. I guess this was his way of making it up to Suigetsu for stopping him to berate the previous ill-mannered dude. But it was odd that he also urged me to buy anything I liked. In the end, Suigetsu ordered seven glasses of yogurts, I chose a set of five takoyaki, and Sasuke got himself only a green tea.

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