Chapter 32: The Opposite Meaning

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Ayuda's P.O.V

I pressed my lips altogether with noticeable discontent as I shyly sneaked a glance at Sasuke who was audaciously taking off his top shirt in front of me.

We were now located inside Sasuke's chamber inside the Akatsuki hideout and since he himself stated a moment ago that he wanted me to tend to his wounds, Madara then left us to ourselves. And now here I am, waiting for Sasuke to get ready before I begin treating him.

I averted my gaze from Sasuke once he completely took off his shirt and tossed it somewhere else uncaringly. I looked at my hands which were holding a roll of bandage that belonged to my kidnapper which he always kept in his ninja hip pouch. I played with it absentmindedly to calm my nerves down because I was feeling quite apprehensive for what was about to happen next.

No, it's not that I was anxious in tending to Sasuke's injuries. It's his unpredictable behavior that made me always be on guard and also feel on edge whenever I was alone with him in a secluded, confined space like right now. The last time I took care of his wounds was still totally fresh in my mind as if it just happened thirty minutes ago because that was the first time he started making out with me out of the blue.

So I was feeling very restless right now, pondering if Sasuke would repeat the same thing or not. Besides that, it's been quite a long while since I last met and spoke with him. Would he reprimand me for escaping him? Would he treat me any differently now?

Other than that, I also had various questions for him. Like, what happened to him during his battle with Itachi? What happened after that? Why did he join the Akatsuki and abduct a Jinchuuriki? How did he get acquainted with someone so fishy like Madara? Why did he change so much? What caused him to stoop so low? Where are Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo? What happened before I fell asleep in his room?

There were numerous questions I had for him other than all of these aforementioned ones. However, my deep and long thought was interrupted abruptly when Sasuke spun around, exposing his naked top front to my very eyes before he ambled towards the bed.

Once he plopped down on the slightly firm mattress with his front body looking towards me, I dipped a towel into a plastic basin which was filled with warm water. I took it out and squeezed a lot of liquid out of it before I handed it to Sasuke, telling him, "Here, wipe your face with this."

The onyx-eyed male wordlessly complied, taking his sweet time in cleaning his face as I grabbed my favorite ointment and applied it on the tiny cuts on his unused arm that wasn't moving to wipe his features. When he gave me the towel – that was now stained in his dried blood and dirt – back, I scanned his face, ignoring the way he stared at me so intensely, and noted that it looked unblemished by then so I put away the heavy cloth.

And once again, I repeated the same action on another clean towel and gave it to him, "This time, clean your front body."

There is no way I will clean his chest and abdomen as if I am too eager to have my hands all over him. Although I am itching to have a feel of those attractive and slightly bulging muscles, I am still a woman with dignity.

Thankfully, Sasuke uttered no objection as he adhered to my order. I instantly carried on with applying the ointment on the same previous arm all the while disregarding the sensation of his mildly sweaty skin due to the fact that he had undergone some battle prior to this moment.

"Did you fight with Naruto just now?" I found myself boldly questioning him before I could properly restrain my curious self.

"Yeah," responded the male Uchiha after a brief moment of silence.

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