Chapter 35: Worth More Than That

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Third Person's P.O.V

"So... I'm going to take my leave now."

Reina Makino announced reluctantly to the two occupants of the small hut located outside the wall of Leaf Village. Iwane and Itachi were both observing her getting ready at the front porch.

Danzo's death had been confirmed and spread like wildfire all over the Leaf Village. With this news, the ANBU Root was disbanded and therefore Reina was no longer hunted by them. Itachi confirmed this through his crows that were scattered around the streets. The brown-eyed lady then made her decision to return back to her parents and apprised them of what had happened, especially the devastating news of Ayuda's kidnapping.

"Sure, dear," replied the wise Iwane before she paused to cough shortly. She cleared her throat and put up a smile back to the young lady, "Do visit us occasionally. We will always welcome you here."

Reina smiled with concern to her, "I will. You two take care of yourselves too, okay? Especially you, Iwane-san. Don't forget to take your medicine."

The elder woman smiled warmly in response, "Of course. Don't you worry about me, dear. What matters most is that you reach your home safely."

Reina nodded her head as a reply. Once she made sure that none of them had anything to say, especially the quiet Itachi, she bid her farewell to them and departed. It was when she was a few meters from Iwane's small humble house that a crow came out of nowhere and landed on her shoulder contentedly. Reina gave him a warm, genuine smile before her facial expression dropped as she deeply stared into his black eyes. It was plain to see that something sprang to her mind at that moment. Even so, she then brought her focus back to her journey and sped up the pace of her strides, possibly with a new goal fueling her determination.


Ayuda's P.O.V

What woke me up was the subtle sensation of the soft yet firm surface – I was sleeping on – moving for several times. I barely opened my eyes when I caught the sight of a masculine figure rising from the bed, specifically from the spot where he had lain beside me. It was undoubtedly Sasuke in his full naked glory.

He had his back facing me as he picked his clothes from the floor and put them on nonchalantly. I observed him wordlessly, watching the muscles on his back rippling and how his hair shifted as he moved about.

Realizing that I felt somewhat cold despite being covered in a blanket, I rose to a sitting position when I was struck by a stinging pain coming from my private area. I hissed in agony while my face contorted to a pained expression befitting the situation.

In an instant, Sasuke appeared next to me, kneeling on the bedside, and inspected my condition while asking, "Are you okay? Don't move too much for now."

I said nothing to the ravenette as I glanced down. The sight of red liquid – obviously my blood – tainting the sheet was caught in my vision and it was located directly beneath my genital area. There was also a dried trail of the same blood coming from my flower. Not only that, there was a white fluid that was glued to my abdomen and from the look of it, it seemed very sticky. With this shocking image registered in my brain, I was struck by multiple memories of what transpired last night. It's like realization hitting me like a ton of bricks raining over my head.

Sasuke, who was fully aware of what I was seeing at, took out a damp towel out of nowhere. His hand moved to clean up the mess on my abdomen as he spoke up, "I've already prepared a towel to clean it up for you. It would be better-"

In the speed of lightning, I swung my hand and slapped him successfully, precisely on his cheek. Sasuke was rendered dumbstruck after the resounding hit while I was a little stunned at the fact that I did it with the speed that could rival Rock Lee's maximum speed and also at the fact that I managed to execute a satisfying slap upon a mighty Uchiha. I honestly thought he would dodge it which was why I did it so intentionally fast.

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