Chapter 05: His Reason

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Ayuda's P.O.V

The first sensation that greeted me in my awakening was the coolness of the air. Breathing in the air at a slow pace, a familiar odor soon filled my senses and I perceived it as the one scent that could be found in places like a storeroom. And it was completely and eerily quiet.

I pulled my eyelids upward, opening my eyes little by little. The room was extremely dark, brightened up only by two glittering orange lights. I looked to see two light candles, each one on the left and right sides of the room, completely glued to the walls. I blinked my eyes weakly. For some unknown reasons, I felt extremely debilitated. Where am I?

I scanned the room wordlessly. The chamber was empty, excluding this bed I was lying on. The darkness nearly consumed the room, making me think that this place could have been bigger if it was brighter. My forehead crinkled in confusion. Why am I here?

I sat up on the bed noiselessly. I moved my right arm skyward in an attempt to touch my face when I felt something cold and heavy around my wrist. My eyes widened upon seeing a fetter locked around my delicate limb. This revelation promptly erased the sleepiness within me for I was thunderstruck. The thought of me being locked up as a captive had shaken me in a disturbing way.

I quickly pulled my right arm around, trying to get it off of my skin, but to no avail. My left hand rose and it was then that I realized that both of my wrists were firmly shackled. I studied the manacles in trepidation and discovered another chain leading to the wall. I finally became aware of the fact that this bed I was sitting on was situated right next to the wall. The chain was stuck in the wall in a way that told me it could not be removed so easily.

I decided to summon a chakra arrow, resolved to blast the wall and the fetters off completely when I noticed something very odd. There is only very little chakra inside me! So this is why I feel so weak right now! But why?! How is this possible?!

Scrutinizing the handcuffs thoroughly, I made a shocking discovery that these shackles are not entirely ordinary. It was a pair of fetters designed specially for ninjas - the handcuffs that absorb your chakra!


That voice poured more fuel into the dread within me. I broke into a cold sweat in an instant. My heart was in my mouth as I swallowed a huge lump down my throat shakily. That voice... it's him... it's really him...

I spun my head to the side at a snail's pace. There I saw a figure mostly devoured by shadows. There was enough light to see the outline of his body and his hair. As if realizing that I couldn't see him well enough, he began taking several steps toward me. I furrowed my eyebrows in alarm.

He halted as the shadows left every inch of his figure, revealing himself to my wide eyes. It was unquestionably Sasuke Uchiha, the man who had given me a lot a few years ago, the man who brightened up my life with his presence, the man who had successfully damaged me emotionally with his one selfish action.

He was wearing dark blue pants, over which hung a blue cloth that covered him from his stomach to his knees and which he secured with a purple rope belt. He was donning a white long-sleeved shirt that was spread open at his front body, revealing his eye-catching toned torso. I would've blushed in awe if it wasn't for this untimely situation. His hair was still in the same style.

I directed my gaze to his onyx eyes, having finished studying him, and engaged in a glaring contest with the Uchiha before me. My eyebrows deepened into a scowl as I questioned him with a croaked voice, "Why are you doing this?"

Sasuke chose not to answer my inquiry as he fixed his cold stare on my face. I grew edgy as this went on. There was something in his eyes that made me grow restless. The profound silence between us was also one of the reasons why I became perturbed. I demanded in a much louder and clearer voice, "If you can't answer a simple question like that, then release me."

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