Chapter 52: It Had Always Been Her

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Amidst the conversation, Sasuke remained silent, his eyes lingering on Ayuda for a moment longer than necessary. The brief glance was loaded with unspoken words.

As the four of them were settling into the bustling atmosphere, their interaction was suddenly interrupted by a voice dripping with a mix of amusement and sarcasm.

"My, my, Ayuda. You certainly picked some rather famous heroes as your bodyguards," remarked a man with tousled black hair and piercing grey eyes. It was Keiji, Ayuda's cousin, whose smirk seemed as permanent as his cynical disposition.

He briefly acknowledged Naruto and Sakura with a nod, but his eyes lingered on Sasuke with an evident disdain. As he approached Sasuke, his smirk morphed into a sneer. "And a rather infamous criminal, too."

Sasuke's expression hardened into a steely glare, clearly unimpressed and irritated by the confrontation.


Keiji continued, his voice laden with insinuation as he addressed Ayuda, "I'm surprised you'd bring him along, Ayuda. Wouldn't this reflect poorly on you? On your decision-making? To choose a criminal as a companion?"

Ayuda's expression darkened into a scowl, her patience wearing thin. "He is still a guest. My guest. Bodyguard or not, criminal or hero, if a candidate invites someone to the Makino Patriarchal Election, it means they trust them. They are our important guest. Show some respect."

The tension in the air became noticeably heavier. Naruto and Sakura exchanged uneasy looks. Both were prepared to stand up for their friend if needed but held back, waiting for Ayuda's cue. Meanwhile, Sasuke kept his glare steady, standing firm and ready.

Keiji, realizing perhaps that he had crossed a line, took a step back. His smirk never wavered as he raised his hands in a mock surrender.

"Fine. You are right," he conceded. He paused, giving Sasuke a nod — though the smirk still played on his lips, making him seem less sincere. "I apologize for my rudeness. My name is Keiji Makino."

Sasuke responded coldly, his voice icy and detached. "Sasuke Uchiha."

"I know. Like I said, you are infamous," Keiji retorted, turning his back on Sasuke and facing Ayuda again. "See you later, cousin."

As Keiji walked away, the group collectively exhaled, the immediate threat of conflict dissipating with his departure. Ayuda turned to her friends, her expression softening as she apologized, "I'm sorry for that. My cousin... loves to rile up people."

"It's fine," replied Naruto. "But wow, that guy has some nerve!"

Sakura nodded, her expression sour. "I can't believe he's your cousin, Ayuda."

"What is the Makino Patriarchal Election?" asked Sasuke as he stepped closer to her from behind.

Ayuda's expression was filled with grave apprehension as she turned to face her companions. "This is why we need to go to our family center. The Makino Patriarchal Election isn't just a simple gathering. It's a crucial event where the remaining candidates demonstrate their three most vital abilities to prove they are fit to be the next head of our family. And on the third night, every member of the family casts their vote to decide who will lead us in the future."

Sakura's eyes widened in shock. "I heard from Kazuki that you're one of the final three candidates, right?"

"Yes," Ayuda nodded. "We've undergone numerous trials already. Many candidates were eliminated based on their performances, and now only three of us remain."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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