Chapter 40: Done With You

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Ayuda's P.O.V

The next thing I knew, the fight between the two Uchiha brothers and the resurrected Taiga and his bodyguards were already over with the former being the indisputable winner.

I had one of my knees rest on the ground and took the spot next to Taiga's corpse which had been sealed by Reina who did the same to the other two reanimated enemies. It mentally pained me to learn that he was going through the same thing as me in terms of our lifestyle. I got forced into an arranged marriage, he was also put into one. However, instead of having parents that eventually understood their child, his parents uncaringly forced him to marry so early. Plus, being paired with a gold-digger that would do anything insane to achieve more wealth? That would undoubtedly feel restlessness even in his death.

I let out a small sigh before I rose to my feet and turned around. My eyes glided over the area shortly before being caught in Sasuke's onyx eyes which were already glued on me. I was palpably taken aback when our eyes met and I hastily averted my gaze, staring at the ground instead. I then ignored the strong sensation of his gaze drilling through my head.

Ever since I escaped from Sasuke that day, I was uncertain to how I felt for him. I was still under the impression that he treated me like an object – that he lied to me and falsely claimed that he loved me – when in actuality he intended to use me to repopulate his clan. I was still feeling indignant towards him but I did not want to yell at him or do anything else. To me, keeping a distance away from him was good enough.

And maybe, he is still mad at me right now for escaping him that day?

My eyes immediately searched for Reina and I quietly moved closer to her. Just as I was within her arm's length, my sister sent a slight scowl at Sasuke's older brother and queried, "Itachi, what are you doing here?"

I was utterly surprised and bewildered at the same time. She asked him that exact question as if... she knew that Itachi was alive this whole time.

From the corner of my eye, I could see that even Sasuke wore the same baffled expression as me. Itachi glanced back at my sister and replied, "I want to help you in the war."

Without waiting for the older Uchiha to say more, Reina threw in with a sharp look, "No."

Itachi began, "Reina, listen..."

Reina ended him, "No. Well... firstly, I'm thankful that you came and saved me and Ayuda. I'm not even upset about that. But you must go back after this. Don't join the war, please. Do you know that the caster of the Edo Tensei knows what is going on through these reanimated people? He definitely knows you're still alive now."

Itachi tried again, "I know about that. However, I cannot simply stand back and watch you. I want to do something to help you all behind the scene."

Reina frowned in concern, "I don't know about that..."

The older man added, "I will go home after I deal with the user of the Edo Tensei."

My older sister's eyes gleamed upon hearing that as if she found that idea good enough to let him join the war. She then took a quiet moment to mull over that option, having a lot of things going on in her head.

I took that silence to intervene, "Sis... you know that he's alive this whole time?"

The increasingly livid Sasuke added to say more, "What the hell is happening here?"

The older siblings spun around to look at us. I could tell from their facial expression that they were musing on what to tell to their younger siblings who were completely clueless regarding Itachi's state. Instead of letting Reina speak for both of them, Itachi told us, "Yes, she know about my situation all along and I told her not to tell anyone."

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