Chapter 10: Karin And Suigetsu

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Third Person's P.O.V

The numerous Konoha shinobis stared wide-eyed with dread at the newcomer – Sasuke Uchiha – whose eyes filled with such malice. It's as if he was seeing them like some sort of revolting pest. It's like he had forgotten the fact that he had lived in the same village with them. And this disappointed and angered nearly all of them.

The first one to break the grievous silence was Ino Yamanaka who murmured with a gentle frown on her face, "Sasuke..."

"Be on your guard, everyone," warned Kakashi who cautiously lifted his headband up to reveal his blazing Sharingan pupil, "He is not the old Sasuke now. Do not let your emotions get to you."

"Hmph, I am feeling a tad pissed off right now so I might not have any problem pummeling him without mercy," stated Kiba who smirked as he was rubbing his nose.

Silence once again enfolded the area like faint smokes that clouded over the cemetery. Beads of sweat started to build up throughout the Konoha ninjas' skins due to such thick tension. Some of them even began to clench their teeth in rage upon reminiscing what that particular Uchiha had done to their fellow Makino comrade.

"You all haven't changed at all," Sasuke spoke up. Although his voice was moderately quiet, it still shocked the Konoha shinobis as though his voice boomed within their heads. The ravenette continued, "Still annoyingly persistent as always. Keep doing that and you will die sooner or later and I still couldn't care less."

Kiba was about to snap right then and there but before he could, a masculine hand was sharply thrown to the space in front of his face, signaling a warning to shut his mouth. His thin pupils looked to see it was Kazuki who did that whose eyes were intently fixated on the Uchiha.

"Where is Ayuda?" asked Kaito with a deep glower which seemed unnatural to his face because he was someone who rarely got angry.

"Why did you kidnap her?" interrogated Shiori with an unmistakable suspicion in her eyes.

"That does not concern all of you," said the current youngest Uchiha, "Although I am feeling a bit interested in one particular question – where is Reina? Since it is her dearest younger sister who got abducted here, there is no doubt she would also join you all."

Almost every Konoha shinobis – excluding Sasuke – threw their gazes around searching for the said woman. Surprisingly, Reina was not present with them. Other than that, Shiori was more bewildered than the rest of them because she was pretty sure that Reina was standing beside her when they were all waiting for Sasuke to emerge.

The astonishment and surprised look on their faces confirmed Sasuke's suspicion. Suddenly, a blurry figure emerged from above the calm-looking Uchiha. It was Reina who had already swung her giant battle axe which was her current primary weapon.

Without so much as glancing up, Sasuke swiftly unsheathed his katana and blocked the lady's battle axe like it's a piece of cake, and thus producing a reverberating sharp, clanking noise that could make anyone wince. To the Konoha shinobis, this sounded like the noise that signaled the dreadful battle had finally commenced. The Uchiha avenger finally looked up, revealing his pair of glaring Sharingan eyes to Reina whose eyes were equally as menacing as Sasuke's, albeit without the infamous crimson eyes.

Sasuke remarked with a dark voice, "A cheap attack like this is to be expected, of course."

With Reina still steadily hovering in the air in slow motion, she hissed, "You better let her go right now or I will decapitate you this instant!"

The youngest Uchiha pushed his sword away forcefully, ultimately driving the older kunoichi away from him. Once Reina landed on the ground next to her comrades, Sasuke replied with obvious nonchalance in his voice, "Why should I? She looks pretty content right where she is now."

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