Chapter 14: Orochimaru's Death

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Third Person's P.O.V

Shiori was not the type of person who usually took alcoholic drink nearly every day or every week. She consumed them like once a month and that was still very rare of her to do. However, because of the recent failed rescue mission, she became a tad depressed and decided to have some strong wine to somewhat soothe her mind. She knew that, judging by Tsunade's reaction regarding the failed rescue mission, it would take quite a while for the Hokage to start another rescue quest.

The tomboyish Jounin was now sitting up in her bed with a hangover which was enkindled by an excess of alcohol she drank last night. If it weren't for the benevolent Kakashi who also called for Kurenai to escort the depressed tomboy to her apartment, she would have woken up in the bar, looking utterly ridiculous because of her state.

She was about to lie back down and resume sleeping when she heard three knocks coming from the entryway. She grumbled under her breath before she pushed herself off of the bed and dragged herself to the door.

Not minding to even comb her disheveled hair with her fingers, she opened the door in a brusque manner. What greeted her was the sight of Kurenai standing outside of her apartment... in tears.

Before Shiori could even ask her what was wrong, the gorgeous red-eyed Jounin threw herself at her, hugging her tightly as she cried in her shoulder. The former questioned as gentle as a mother consoling her sobbing granddaughter, "W-what's the matter, Kurenai?"

It was that moment that Shiori found out the agonizing truth that Kurenai's lover – Asuma – was killed in action.

That same night, in the huge luxurious residence of the Makino family, Reina was equipping herself with weapons, items that could come in handy and others. After contemplating her full-body image in the mirror, she spun around and ambled towards her nightstand. What stood on the said table was a picture of her and the grown-up Ayuda in a frame. She picked it up and stared at it quietly with a palpable longing dancing in her eyes. She then put the picture frame into her hip pouch and exited her bedroom.

She entered the living room and left a small note on the table, stating that she would be away on a mission which might take a while. She did not wish to make her parents worried so much, especially after the fact that their youngest daughter had been kidnapped.

After that, Reina departed even though she had no mission given by Tsunade or anyone else, to begin with. No, it was her own mission to save Ayuda.


Ayuda's P.O.V

Sasuke didn't return that night. However, he was there, sleeping soundlessly in his futon next to the bed, when I woke up from a much-needed slumber. He crept in while I was sleeping, apparently.

I spun around, lying on my stomach in the bed with both of my elbows supporting me. Then I looked fixedly at the dark-haired male, staring at him openly but this time without fretting that I might get caught. I could take however long I wanted to gawk at him at this moment.

His sleeping face looked so serene and vulnerable, unlike those times when he was awake and was wearing that serious yet vacant expression on his face. He was naturally striking which made it isn't surprising if every girl he met in his path would fall to their knees and start worshipping him. I bet they would even thank him if he steps on them. Other than that, his velvety voice – which was one of a kind – was another bonus. In addition to that, his toned physique was overall enticing.

My eyes drifted downward until they landed on his pale lips. That same mouth had been kissing mine and touching my neck just a few hours ago. Now that I think about it, I wondered just how the hell he knew what to do in that sort of steamy situation. I could easily discern that he had never done that before and was very inexperienced, and yet everything he did to me was unexpectedly delightful.

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