Chapter 29: Five Kage Summit

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Third Person's P.O.V

Danzo Shimura, Fuu Yamanaka, Torune Aburama, and the hypnotized Ayuda Makino had just arrived at the Land of Iron, and icy, snow-covered country located among three mountains called the Three Wolves, where the Five Kage Summit was being held.

The four of them wended their ways to the huge pyramid-like building and set foot into a vast hall where enormous multiple pillars were erected meticulously. There they came across a battalion of samurais that were tasked to ensure the safety of the area.

Once they stood in front of a specific samurai who was the only one who stood in the middle of his fellow samurais and in front of a large door that led deeper into the building, the samurai welcomed them, "We've been expecting you."

"That's him," pointed out White Zetsu to Team Taka while the five of them remained hiding on the inside balcony of the same vast hall. They succeeded in infiltrating the pyramid-like building without being caught by anyone, especially the samurais. While they observed everything from above, White Zetsu added, "The geezer in the middle."

Sasuke Uchiha had already activated his Sharingan and was glaring intensely at the man who ruined his brother's life, 'So that's Danzo!'

"So it is true," Karin whispered loud enough for the rest of her team to hear, "Judging from her eyes, Ayuda is really being hypnotized."

Suigetsu smirked, "Aside from taking the Hokage's head, we are going to save Ayuda too, right?"

Jugo, whose form was the body of a young kid due to his battle with Killer Bee some time ago, spoke up, "Yeah but we need to find a way to snap her out of that."

Other than occasionally throwing glares at the Sixth Hokage, Sasuke also fixed his Sharingan eyes on Ayuda, specifically on her satiny black hair since her back was turned to their eyes by then. He perceived that she had not changed much ever since she escaped his team, although he had to admit she looked extremely easy on the eyes as always.

"Forgive me," the samurai that welcomed Danzo and his followers spoke up, "But it is stated in the letter that each Kage should only bring two bodyguards. But it seems you bring three."

"I am aware of that but I am willing to break that procedure for my own safety since I have just been appointed as a Hokage and was ambushed on my way here," stated Danzo with a matter-of-fact tone.

The samurai replied, "I see. I have no right to decide whether you can bring the third bodyguard or not. So I will bring you to General Mifune first to let him decide. Please follow me."

The four Leaf ninjas then treaded on the samurai's heels without another word, completely unaware that Team Taka and White Zetsu had been witnessing and eavesdropping on the discussion. Suigetsu clipped, "Who does he think he is? He thinks he can break a rule like that just because he's a Hokage and was just appointed as one."

True to the same samurai's words, he did bring Danzo and his followers to the general of the Land of Iron named Mifune, a calm, disciplined and level-headed person. He had long grey hair which almost reached down to his waist with bandages wrapped around his head. He had black eyes with distinct wrinkles underneath them, a grey goatee and moustache. Besides that, he wore a simple purple kimono-like outfit and sandals.

Mifune and Danzo were confabulating about the three bodyguards while Fuu, Torune, and Ayuda were standing a tad far away from them but close enough to hear some of their conversation. That was when three people turned around the corner and ran into the scene.

"Oh, Ayuda, you're here too?" asked Temari with wide, questioning eyes.

Temari's statement prompted her two brothers to follow her gaze and their eyes instantly landed on the purple-eyed maiden. The three Sand ninjas then walked over to her, merely regarding Fuu and Torune with a nod as some sort of greeting.

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