Chapter 06: The Predator And The Prey

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Ayuda's P.O.V

I took a few steps away from the bed. The sturdy chains that were connected to the shackles around my wrists followed suit, simultaneously producing metallic noises that I easily paid no heed to. However, the chains were not long enough for me to get too far from the bed. Its limited length prompted me to stop dead in my tracks. I frowned.

So this is how long the chains are. There is still a long way to reach the door. If I could get these handcuffs off of my skin, I would have my first step to freedom. But... how am I going to take these off of my arms? These shackles absorb my chakra without stopping even for a quick second.

I plunked myself down on the bed and crossed my arms over my chest. My purple orbs flew all over the room, scanning for any object that could assist me in my attempt to escape. Unfortunately, there were no such things in this dull room. There were only a table and a chair and they were in the corner of the room far away from me and the door. Excluding this bed, the table, and the chair, this room was entirely empty.

I also realized that my beloved bow and arrow were nowhere to be seen. Even my hip pouch and my kunai holster that I usually attached to my limbs were missing. It goes without saying that Sasuke had taken them all.

Now that I mentioned him, I once again questioned myself - for the innumerable times that day - the true reason why Sasuke did all of this. He has taken everything away from me and locks me up in this frightening place. He hasn't given me a clear answer as to why he did this. Could it be that he wants a ransom? That sounds so reasonable and Orochimaru could've ordered him to do so.

Oh yes, Orochimaru... he must be somewhere in this place, right? That just adds another reason why I should get out of here as fast as I can.

But how?! These handcuffs chain me to this place and also relentlessly devour my chakra. If this goes on, it might take quite a long time to achieve my freedom. And I don't want that.

What about my village? Do they know about my situation? Kaito and Kazuki surely must have told them and Reina-oneesan will surely be very suspicious of my sudden absence. I hope they are launching a rescue mission right now.

And I can't just sit and wait for them here. I must do something. I won't let them do all the work. I refuse to be a damsel in distress.

Now let's see... the first thing I should do is to take these shackles off of my wrists. I need to identify some ways to do that. Either by using the key to unlock it or simply destroy it, I would be able to take the first step to freedom.

Wait... now that I mention it... where is the key? Could it be that it is with Sasuke? Yeah, it must be him. It would be so terrifying if he gives the key to someone else. To be honest, he is the only person I trust the most in this unknown place, even though he is a traitor, but at least we know each other, right?

But... the fact that someone else has the key can also be pretty much safer than the fact that Sasuke keeps it. What if that person is someone that I can reason with? Someone that can be easily fooled by simple words? If it's a guy, I could seduce him and lure him closer and then knock him out and take the key from him. If it's a girl, I could make her angry and let her stomp towards me and once she's closer, I will knock her out and snatch the key. But what if it's in the hands of Orochimaru...?

Nah, there is no way I am going to seduce him.

But if the key is with Sasuke... it's going to be a lot more difficult since he has grown obviously stronger than I expected. If I try to knock him out, I would undoubtedly fail. He is not someone who can be fooled. I bet he would figure out my plan straight away when I make a weird move.
Ugh. Okay, change of plan. I need to know the whereabouts of the key first and then I would start thinking of a plan.

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