Chapter 30: I Am Real

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Third Person's P.O.V

Sasuke then got up to his feet and told her coldly, "Make sure you stay close with her. We are taking her with us this time."

Karin's reply was mere silence for she only nodded her head to the youngest Uchiha, although the latter was not looking at her at the moment. The Sharingan wielder did not need to glance at the female redhead to look for her response, though.

That's when they detected a tiny figure that floated in the air, gliding out of the room at a relaxed pace as though the summit was never interrupted by an international criminal. It was the Third Tsuchikage called Onoki and he was staring down at Sasuke very grimly, indicating that whatever he had in store for the Uchiha was pretty dreadful.

"To think a brat like you killed Deidara. I have no grudge against you, but the shinobi world wants you dead!" declared the elder Tsuchikage as he created a transparent cubic, which contained a bright glow within, in between his hands, "See ya."

In the blink of an eye, the cubic suddenly vanished and reappeared in a larger size and confined Sasuke inside it. Onoki then yelled, "Dust Element: Atomic Abruption Technique!"

The inside of that transparent cubic then exploded noiselessly and smokes quickly filled the tiny space until it dissipated to thin air, revealing that nothing was left inside. Karin who was still holding the passed out Ayuda in her arms called out, "Sasuke!"

While Karin observed the Tsuchikage putting away the said cubic, her sensory ability went overload as she attempted to scan for Sasuke's chakra anywhere near the area. However, the said boy's presence was nowhere to be found. It's as if he was erased from the surface of this world without leaving any remains.

Karin's eyes began to well up in tears as she stared wide-eyed in great disbelief on the spot where she last saw Sasuke confined in the Tsuchikage's cubic, "Sasuke's chakra is... gone! N-no way... Then he's..."

"Of course. His body's been dispersed to molecules," responded Onoki, smirking with pride for successfully killing the young Uchiha. He then shifted his gaze to the female redhead and announced, "And you're next!"

As if on cue, the sounds of numerous and relentless footsteps enacted not far from them, sounding like a group of people sprinting like a bat out of hell, and they were getting closer and louder until whoever they were appeared and turned around the corner. They were the Fourth Raikage with his two trusty bodyguards and Gaara with his two older siblings.

They ceased to an abrupt halt upon seeing Onoki and a female redhead whom they surmised was Sasuke's accomplice. Since they were standing right next to the door to the meeting room, they scoured the area and noticed the Zetsu spores that seemed to have stopped growing but still glued to their victims' bodies.

"Where's Sasuke?!" roared the Fourth Raikage who was more than ready to engage in another fight with the Uchiha who abducted Killer Bee, "Where the hell is Sasuke?!"

Kankuro speedily assisted the others in removing the Zetsu spores which earned himself gratitude from a handful of people. The Raikage called Ei then inquired once again, "Tsuchikage, where's Sasuke?!"

A proud smirk curved the floating Onoki's mouth as he replied with a boastful tone, "I smashed him into dust."

"What the hell?!" snapped Ei who seemed more furious than before, "I was going to do that! Why did you-"

"You still have that chance," a deep voice that sounded like it echoed somewhere near the room suddenly interrupted Ei. All of them then wildly scanned the room until they saw the space not far from them twirled until a man donning an Akatsuki robe and an orange mask appeared. The newcomer continued, "So stop your whining, Raikage."

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